TechDraw Sommets quadrants

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 10:10, 16 August 2019 by David69 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "L'outil Quadrant ajoute des sommets cosmétiques aux points 90/180/270 degrés d'un bord circulaire (le sommet à 0 degré devrait déjà figurer sous forme de sommet géomét...")
Other languages:

File:Techdraw-quadrant.svg Quadrant TechDraw

Emplacement du menu
TechDraw → Quadrant
Atelier TechDraw
Raccourci par défaut
Introduit dans la version
Voir aussi
CosmeticVertex TechDraw, Point milieu TechDraw


L'outil Quadrant ajoute des sommets cosmétiques aux points 90/180/270 degrés d'un bord circulaire (le sommet à 0 degré devrait déjà figurer sous forme de sommet géométrique).

Cosmetic Vertices at quadrant points of a circle

How to use

  1. Select one or more (circular) Edges in a View.
  2. Press the File:Techdraw-quadrant.svg Quadrant button
  3. Cosmetic Vertices will be added at the quarter-point(s) of the Edge(s).


Cosmetic Vertices have no properties of their own, as they are not Document Objects. They share color and size settings with regular geometry vertices.


See also: TechDraw API and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

Cosmetic Vertices are not accessible from macros or the Python console at this time. This snippet will remove all Cosmetic Vertices from the View.

>>> v = App.ActiveDocument.View
>>> v.clearCV()
>>> App.activeDocument().recompute()


  • This feature was added in v0.19
  • This tool can actually be used on any Edge, not just circles.