Skicář Oblouk

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 10:33, 4 November 2018 by Renatorivo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{GuiCommand/cs |Name=Sketcher CreateArc |Name/cs=Skicář Oblouk |Workbenches=Skicář |MenuLocation=Náčrt → Skicář Konstrukce → Vytvořit o...")

Skicář Oblouk

Umístění Menu
Náčrt → Skicář Konstrukce → Vytvořit oblouk
Pracovní stoly
Výchozí zástupce
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Viz také
Skicář Kružnice


This tool draws an arc by picking three points: the center, the start angle along the radius, and the end angle.

When starting the tool, the mouse pointer changes to a white cross with a red arc icon. The coordinates of the pointer are shown beside it in blue in real time.

The center has been selected, dragging to set the radius‎ The center and start angle have been selected, dragging to set end angle‎

How to use

  • Pick points on an empty area of the 3D view, or on an existing object (auto constraints must be active in TaskView).
  • Pressing Esc or clicking the right mouse button cancels the function.