Arch SectionPlane

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Arch SectionPlane

Arch -> Section Plane
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This tool places in the current Document a section plane gizmo, which defines a section or view plane. The gizmo take his placement according to the current Draft Working Plane and can be relocated and reoriented by moving and rotating it, until it describes the 2D view you want to obtain. The Section plane object will only consider objects that were selected when it got created. Objects can later be added or removed from a SectionPlane object with the Arch Add and Arch Remove tools.

Objekt kan senare adderas eller tas bort från ett SectionPlane objekt med Arch Add och Arch Remove verktygen.

Vid skapandet, så skapar SectionPlane objekt för närvarande ett Ritningssida objekt vilken innehåller den projicerade 2D vyn av de objekt som behandlas av Section Plane.

Till vänster i bilden ovan placeras ett Section Plane objekt i scenen, och till höger dess SVG 2D representation. Ytsortering är för närvarande inte helt implementerad.


  • Välj objekt
  • Klicka på SectionPlane knappen
  • Flytta/rotera Section Plane till korrekt position
  • Klicka på Beräkna om knappen för att uppdatera vyn


  • With a section plane object selected, use the Draft Shape2DView tool to create a shape object representing the section view in the document

  • Create additional views of a section plane by selecting it, then using the Draft Drawing tool


  • VyDisplay Size: The size of the section plane gizmo in the 3D view


The Section Plane tool can by used in macros and from the python console by using the following function:

makeSectionPlane ([objectslist])
Creates a Section plane objects including the given objects.


import FreeCAD, Draft, Arch
trace = Draft.makeLine(FreeCAD.Vector (0, 0, 0),FreeCAD.Vector (2, 2, 0))
wall = Arch.makeWall(trace,width=0.1,height=1,align="Center")