Tutoriel Contrôleur cinématique

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Contrôleur cinématique créé avec Python
Des connaissances de base en Python sont utiles
Temps d'exécution estimé
1 heure
Version de FreeCAD
0.20 et ultérieur
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Ce tutoriel décrit comment générer un contrôleur cinématique simple à utiliser avec les assemblages créés avec l'atelier Assembly3 à partir de quelques lignes de code Python.

N'importe quel éditeur de texte peut être utilisé pour coder. Mon choix se porte sur Atom, mais l'éditeur intégré de FreeCAD fonctionne bien aussi.

Les exemples de code suivants peuvent être copiés et collés dans un fichier texte vide, puis enregistrés sous le nom de votre choix comme fichier *.py ou *.FCMacro.

Sections macro

Structure de base

#! python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2022 Your name LGPL

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # This will be true only if the file is "executed"
    # but not if imported as a module

La structure de base consiste en une fonction main() et un commutateur pour vérifier si la macro est utilisée comme un conteneur pour les classes, les méthodes, etc. ou si elle est exécutée seule. Seule la deuxième option lancera la fonction main(). Cette fonction est vide pour le moment.

Trouver les contraintes pilotes

Les contraintes pilotes sont des objets dans un document FreeCAD. Elles doivent être marquées pour pouvoir être trouvées.

Pour ce contrôleur, le suffixe "Driver" doit être attaché au label d'une contrainte pilote. Il peut être séparé par un "." ou "-" pour plus de clarté, car nous ne vérifierons que si le label se termine par "Driver".

Une fonction qui reçoit un objet document et renvoie une liste de contraintes pilotes (les noms dans ce cas) fera l'affaire.

def findTheDrivingConstraints(document_object):
    # search through the Objects and find the driving constraint
    driver_list = []
    for each in document_object.Objects:
        if each.Label.endswith("Driver"):
            driving_constraint = each.Name
    return driver_list

La fonction main() charge le document actif dans la variable kin_doc, puis appelle la fonction findTheDrivingConstraints() et lui transmet le contenu de kin_doc. La liste retournée est chargée dans drivers qui est ensuite vérifiée pour contenir au moins un élément. Si c'est le cas, la liste est finalement imprimée dans la Vue rapport.

def main():
    kin_doc = App.ActiveDocument # Kinematic Document
    drivers = findTheDrivingConstraints(kin_doc)
    if len(drivers) < 1:
        print("No driver found!")

La macro jusqu'à présent...

#! python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2021 Your name LGPL

def findTheDrivingConstraints(document_object):
    # search through the Objects and find the driving constraint
    driver_list = []
    for each in document_object.Objects:
        if each.Label.endswith("Driver"):
            driving_constraint = each.Name
    return driver_list

def main():
    kin_doc = App.ActiveDocument # Kinematic Document
    drivers = findTheDrivingConstraints(kin_doc)
    if len(drivers) < 1:
        print("No driver found!")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # This will be true only if the file is "executed"
    # but not if imported as a module

En haut

Panneau de contrôle

Le panneau de contrôle est construit à partir de widgets Qt, une fenêtre principale contenant plusieurs widgets d'entrée/sortie.

Chaque widget doit être importé avant de pouvoir être utilisé, mais ils peuvent être importés en un seul ensemble. La ligne d'importation est placée en haut du fichier.

Fenêtre principale

Pour la fenêtre principale, la ligne d'importation ressemble à ceci :

from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QDialog)

La fenêtre principale appelée ControlPanel est un objet de classe instancié à partir du widget QDialog.

Elle possède deux méthodes init. __init__() initialise le nouvel objet de la classe, gère les arguments entrants et lance initUI() qui gère tous les widgets de la fenêtre principale.

class ControlPanel(QDialog):
    docstring for ControlPanel.
    def __init__(self, document, actuator):
        super(ControlPanel, self).__init__()
        self.initUI(document, actuator)

    def initUI(self, document, actuator):
        # Setting up class parameters
        # the window has 640 x 480 pixels and is centered by default
        # now make the window visible

Pour lancer un seul panneau de commande, une instance, appelée panel, de cette classe sera créée avec kin_doc (l'objet document) et drivers[0] (le premier de la liste des contraintes de conduite) transférés à cette instance. Enfin, la méthode exec_() de la classe ouvre la fenêtre de dialogue.

panel = ControlPanel(kin_doc, drivers[0])

Pour gérer plus d'un contrôleur (driver), nous devons vérifier la liste des contrôleurs et créer une instance pour chaque élément de la liste et transférer l'élément en cours.

panel_list = []
for each_driver in drivers:
    panel = ControlPanel(kin_doc, each_driver)

Ces lignes remplacent la commande print() dans la branche else de la fonction main().

Remarque : La collecte d'une panel_list nous permet de lancer tous les panneaux en même temps. (Je ne peux pas encore expliquer ce comportement...)

L'exécution de la macro affichera une fenêtre de dialogue vide et propre, en attente de widgets :

Une fenêtre de dialogue vide

La macro jusqu'à présent...

#! python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2021 Your name LGPL

# imports and constants
from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QDialog)

class ControlPanel(QDialog):
    docstring for ControlPanel.
    def __init__(self, document, actuator):
        super(ControlPanel, self).__init__()
        self.initUI(document, actuator)

    def initUI(self, document, actuator):
        # Setting up class parameters
        # the window has 640 x 480 pixels and is centered by default
        # now make the window visible

def findTheDrivingConstraints(document_object):
    # search through the Objects and find the driving constraint
    driver_list = []
    for each in document_object.Objects:
        if each.Label.endswith("Driver"):
            driving_constraint = each.Name
    return driver_list

def main():
    kin_doc = App.ActiveDocument # Kinematic Document
    drivers = findTheDrivingConstraints(kin_doc)
    if len(drivers) < 1:
        print("No driver found!")
        panel_list = []
        for each_driver in drivers:
            panel = ControlPanel(kin_doc, each_driver)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # This will be true only if the file is "executed"
    # but not if imported as a module

En haut

Paramètres de réglage

Il est maintenant temps de remplir la méthode initUI() :

    def initUI(self, document, actuator):
        # Setting up class parameters
        self.actuator = document.getObject(actuator)
        self.driver_type = self.getDriverType(self.actuator)
        # the window has 640 x 480 pixels and is centered by default
        # now make the window visible

self.actuator représente la contrainte pilote et self.driver_type stocke un mot clé pour son type. Ce dernier est utilisé pour choisir la propriété correcte avec chaque contrainte.

Méthode getDriverType()

Pour une utilisation future, nous avons besoin du type de pilote (Angle, Distance, Longueur) et donc une méthode getDriverType() doit être définie :

    def getDriverType(self, constraint):
        if constraint.ConstraintType in ANGLE_CONSTRAINTS:
            return "Angle"
        elif constraint.ConstraintType in DISTANCE_CONSTRAINTS:
            return "Distance"
            return "Length"

Cette méthode vérifie si le type de la contrainte donnée peut être trouvé dans l'une des listes, et renvoie le type de dimension qui doit être contrôlé.

On suppose que dans le document cinématique, le pilote est marqué correctement et fonctionne s'il était édité manuellement. Dans ce cas, il n'est pas nécessaire de filtrer les contraintes géométriques telles que Colinear ou PointsCoincidence (mais ce serait l'endroit pour le faire...).

Propriétés de la fenêtre

La taille de la fenêtre est définie par ses dimensions minimale et maximale. En utilisant les mêmes valeurs, on obtient une taille fixe.

Le titre indique le nom du pilote et précise s'il s'agit d'un angle, d'une distance ou d'une longueur. Enfin, on demande à la fenêtre de rester au dessus de toutes les fenêtres.

        # the window has 640 x 480 pixels and is centered by default
        #- set window dimensions
        self.setWindowTitle(self.actuator.Label + ": " + self.driver_type)
        # now make the window visible

En haut

Paramètres de réglage supplémentaires

L'étape suivante consiste à extraire la valeur actuelle du pilote et à définir les valeurs de début et de fin par défaut en fonction du type de pilote.

Une distance ne peut pas être négative et exactement nulle, ce qui rend le solveur perplexe. La valeur de départ est donc fixée à 0,001. Les angles acceptent des valeurs négatives et obtiennent des valeurs symétriques. (Si les longueurs acceptent des valeurs négatives reste à prouver finalement...)

Le suffixe de l'unité doit être conservé pour renvoyer la valeur à la propriété de la contrainte à la fin. Les distances et les longueurs nécessitent des valeurs avec des unités.

Le traitement des unités et l'affichage des valeurs sous forme de chaînes de caractères dans plusieurs widgets nécessitent de convertir assez souvent les chiffres en chaînes de caractères et inversement.

Pour compléter les paramètres, nous définissons un nombre de pas par défaut qui doivent être calculés lorsque le mouvement est automatisé et si le commutateur self.sequence est réglé sur True, une photo sera prise à chaque pas du mouvement.

        self.steps_value = 10
        self.sequence = False
        if self.driver_type == "Angle":
            self.current_value = self.actuator.Angle
            self.start_value = (self.current_value - 15)
            self.end_value = (self.current_value + 15)
            self.unit_suffix = (" °")
        elif self.driver_type == "Distance":
            self.current_value = float(str(self.actuator.Distance)[:-3])
            self.start_value = 0.001 # Distance must not be <= 0
            self.end_value = (self.current_value + 10)
            self.unit_suffix = (" mm")
            self.current_value = float(str(self.actuator.Offset)[:-3])
            self.start_value = (self.current_value - 10)
            self.end_value = (self.current_value + 10)
            self.unit_suffix = (" mm")

En haut


Maintenant, trois intitulés sont ajoutés pour afficher le début, la fin et la valeur en cours.

Tout d'abord, la classe QLabel doit être importée, c'est-à-dire que la liste d'importation doit être étendue comme ceci :

from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QDialog, QLabel)

Dans la méthode initUI(), nous insérons :

        # create some labels
        self.label_start = QLabel("", self)
        self.label_start.setFont("osifont") # set to a non-proportional font
        self.label_start.setText(str(round(self.start_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        self.label_start.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 15, 60, 25))

        self.label_end = QLabel("", self)
        self.label_end.setText(str(round(self.end_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        self.label_end.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(320, 15, 60, 25))

        self.label_current = QLabel("", self)
        self.label_current.setText("Current value: " + str(round(self.current_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        self.label_current.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 15, 150, 25))

Le placement est fait avec la méthode héritée setGeometry(). Dans ce cas, la description d'un rectangle est utilisée (position X, position Y, largeur, hauteur).

Les première et troisième lignes pourraient être combinées, mais cela n'est pas recommandé pour des raisons de clarté :

self.label_end = QLabel((str(round(self.end_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix), self)

L'exécution de la macro avec un document d'assemblage cinématique créerait une fenêtre de dialogue comme celle-ci :

Une fenêtre de dialogue affichant la valeur de départ, la valeur en vigueur et la valeur finale.

La fenêtre de dialogue affiche le libellé de la contrainte et le type de pilote dans le titre, ainsi que la valeur de départ, la valeur en cours et la valeur finale sur la première ligne de la zone principale.

La macro jusqu'à présent...

#! python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2021 Your name LGPL

# imports and constants
from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QDialog, QLabel)

class ControlPanel(QDialog):
    docstring for ControlPanel.
    def __init__(self, document, actuator):
        super(ControlPanel, self).__init__()
        self.initUI(document, actuator)

    def initUI(self, document, actuator):
        # Setting up class parameters
        self.actuator = document.getObject(actuator)
        self.driver_type = self.getDriverType(self.actuator)
        self.steps_value = 10
        self.sequence = False
        if self.driver_type == "Angle":
            self.current_value = self.actuator.Angle
            self.start_value = (self.current_value - 15)
            self.end_value = (self.current_value + 15)
            self.unit_suffix = (" °")
        elif self.driver_type == "Distance":
            self.current_value = float(str(self.actuator.Distance)[:-3])
            self.start_value = 0.001 # Distance must not be <= 0
            self.end_value = (self.current_value + 10)
            self.unit_suffix = (" mm")
            self.current_value = float(str(self.actuator.Offset)[:-3])
            self.start_value = (self.current_value - 10)
            self.end_value = (self.current_value + 10)
            self.unit_suffix = (" mm")

        # the window has 640 x 480 pixels and is centered by default
        #- set window dimensions
        self.setWindowTitle(self.actuator.Label + ": " + self.driver_type)

        # create some labels
        self.label_start = QLabel("", self)
        self.label_start.setFont("osifont") # set to a non-proportional font
        self.label_start.setText(str(round(self.start_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        self.label_start.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 15, 60, 25))

        self.label_end = QLabel("", self)
        self.label_end.setText(str(round(self.end_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        self.label_end.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(320, 15, 60, 25))

        self.label_current = QLabel("", self)
        self.label_current.setText("Current value: " + str(round(self.current_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        self.label_current.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 15, 150, 25))

        # now make the window visible

    def getDriverType(self, constraint):
        if constraint.ConstraintType in ANGLE_CONSTRAINTS:
            return "Angle"
        elif constraint.ConstraintType in DISTANCE_CONSTRAINTS:
            return "Distance"
            return "Length"

# End of ControlPanel()
# Main section below:

def findTheDrivingConstraints(document_object):
    # search through the Objects and find the driving constraint
    driver_list = []
    for each in document_object.Objects:
        if each.Label.endswith("Driver"):
            driving_constraint = each.Name
    return driver_list

def main():
    kin_doc = App.ActiveDocument # Kinematic Document
    drivers = findTheDrivingConstraints(kin_doc)
    if len(drivers) < 1:
        print("No driver found!")
        panel_list = []
        for each_driver in drivers:
            panel = ControlPanel(kin_doc, each_driver)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # This will be true only if the file is "executed"
    # but not if imported as a module

En haut


To change the current value to any number between start and end value a slider widget would fit.

First the class QSlider must be imported i.e. the import list has to be extended like this:

from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QDialog, QLabel, QSlider)

Back in the initUI() method and right after the labels section we insert:

        # Horizontal slider
        self.actuator_slider = QSlider(self)                             # create horizontalSlider
        self.actuator_slider.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal)        # orientation horizontal
        self.actuator_slider.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 50, 330, 25))  # position coordinates
        self.actuator_slider.setObjectName("horizontalSlider")           # object name
        self.actuator_slider.setInvertedAppearance(False)                # default: right to left
        self.actuator_slider.setRange(0, 100)                            # default: (0, 99)
        self.actuator_slider.setValue(self.current_value / self.stepRatio())

The slider button is placed with the setValue() method. Its value has to be calculated from the current value and a step ratio. The ratio has to be calculated whenever a start or end value is changed and so we insert another method after the getDriverType() method.

To work with a ratio instead of altering the slider's min and max values has the advantage of a finer resolution for small values.

    def stepRatio(self):
        ratio = (self.end_value - self.start_value) / 100
        return ratio

And after this one comes another method defining what to do when the slider position or the slider value changes. The onActuatorSlider() method is called by the connect() method which also hands over the slider value as an argument.

It recalculates the current value from the slider position, rewrites the text of the label self.label_current and changes the constraint property according to the driver type.

Running the command "asm3CmdQuickSolve" starts the solver to rearrange the assembly parts with the altered value.

    def onActuatorSlider(self, slider_value):
        self.current_value = slider_value * self.stepRatio() + self.start_value
        if self.driver_type == "Angle":
            self.actuator.Angle = self.current_value
        elif self.driver_type == "Distance":
            self.actuator.Distance = self.current_value
            self.actuator.Offset = self.current_value
        self.label_current.setText("Current value: " + str(round(self.current_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        Gui.runCommand("asm3CmdQuickSolve", 0)

The dialog window with the slider should look like this and is ready to control a motion:

Two dialog windows with a slider

Dialog windows with the added slider, one for an Angle driver and one for a Distance driver

We can start a dialog window for any opened document, they won't interfere with each other.

En haut

Text entry fields

To set the start and end value we use a line edit widget.

First the class QLineEdit must be imported i.e. the import list has to be extended like this:

from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QDialog, QLabel, QSlider, QLineEdit)

Back in the initUI() method and between the labels and the slider sections we insert:

        # text input field - Start value
        self.entry_start = QLineEdit(self)
        self.entry_start.setText(str(round(self.start_value, 1)))
        self.entry_start.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 80, 50, 25))

        # text input field - End value
        self.entry_end = QLineEdit(self)
        self.entry_end.setText(str(round(self.end_value, 1)))
        self.entry_end.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(320, 80, 50, 25))

The entry fields display the default start and end values. They are not complete until we add the methods to deal with altered entries. This will be done by the methods self.onEntryStart() and self.onEntryEnd() that are inserted between the self.stepRatio() and the self.onActuatorSlider() methods.

    def onEntryStart(self, new_start):
        self.start_value = float(new_start)
        self.label_start.setText(str(round(self.start_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        # Update the slider
        slider_value = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / self.stepRatio())

    def onEntryEnd(self, new_end):
        self.end_value = float(new_end)
        self.label_end.setText(str(round(self.end_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        # Update the slider
        slider_value = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / self.stepRatio())

Both convert the received string value to a floating point number and change either self.start_value or self.end_value and the corresponding label accordingly. After that the slider value is updated.

The dialog window with text entry fields should look like this and is ready to change the range of a motion:

Two dialog windows with line edit fields

Dialog windows with line edit fields, again for an angle and a distance driver

And the macro so far...

#! python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2021 Your name LGPL

# imports and constants
from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QDialog, QLabel, QSlider, QLineEdit)

class ControlPanel(QDialog):
    docstring for ControlPanel.
    def __init__(self, document, actuator):
        super(ControlPanel, self).__init__()
        self.initUI(document, actuator)

    def initUI(self, document, actuator):
        # Setting up class parameters
        self.actuator = document.getObject(actuator)
        self.driver_type = self.getDriverType(self.actuator)
        self.steps_value = 10
        self.sequence = False
        if self.driver_type == "Angle":
            self.current_value = self.actuator.Angle
            self.start_value = (self.current_value - 15)
            self.end_value = (self.current_value + 15)
            self.unit_suffix = (" °")
        elif self.driver_type == "Distance":
            self.current_value = float(str(self.actuator.Distance)[:-3])
            self.start_value = 0.001 # Distance must not be <= 0
            self.end_value = (self.current_value + 10)
            self.unit_suffix = (" mm")
            self.current_value = float(str(self.actuator.Offset)[:-3])
            self.start_value = (self.current_value - 10)
            self.end_value = (self.current_value + 10)
            self.unit_suffix = (" mm")

        # the window has 640 x 480 pixels and is centered by default
        #- set window dimensions
        self.setWindowTitle(self.actuator.Label + ": " + self.driver_type)

        # create some labels
        self.label_start = QLabel("", self)
        self.label_start.setFont("osifont") # set to a non-proportional font
        self.label_start.setText(str(round(self.start_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        self.label_start.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 15, 60, 25))

        self.label_end = QLabel("", self)
        self.label_end.setText(str(round(self.end_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        self.label_end.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(320, 15, 60, 25))

        self.label_current = QLabel("", self)
        self.label_current.setText("Current value: " + str(round(self.current_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        self.label_current.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 15, 150, 25))

        # create some input elements

        # text input field - Start value
        self.entry_start = QLineEdit(self)
        self.entry_start.setText(str(round(self.start_value, 1)))
        self.entry_start.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 80, 50, 25))

        # text input field - End value
        self.entry_end = QLineEdit(self)
        self.entry_end.setText(str(round(self.end_value, 1)))
        self.entry_end.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(320, 80, 50, 25))

        # Horizontal slider
        self.actuator_slider = QSlider(self)                             # create horizontalSlider
        self.actuator_slider.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal)        # orientation horizontal
        self.actuator_slider.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 50, 330, 25))  # position coordinates
        self.actuator_slider.setObjectName("horizontalSlider")           # object name
        self.actuator_slider.setInvertedAppearance(False)                # default: right to left
        self.actuator_slider.setRange(0, 100)                            # default: (0, 99)
        self.actuator_slider.setValue(self.current_value / self.stepRatio())

        # now make the window visible

    def getDriverType(self, constraint):
        if constraint.ConstraintType in ANGLE_CONSTRAINTS:
            return "Angle"
        elif constraint.ConstraintType in DISTANCE_CONSTRAINTS:
            return "Distance"
            return "Length"

    def stepRatio(self):
        ratio = (self.end_value - self.start_value) / 100
        return ratio

    def onEntryStart(self, new_start):
        self.start_value = float(new_start)
        self.label_start.setText(str(round(self.start_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        # Update the slider
        slider_value = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / self.stepRatio())

    def onEntryEnd(self, new_end):
        self.end_value = float(new_end)
        self.label_end.setText(str(round(self.end_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        # Update the slider
        slider_value = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / self.stepRatio())

    def onActuatorSlider(self, slider_value):
        self.current_value = slider_value * self.stepRatio() + self.start_value
        if self.driver_type == "Angle":
            self.actuator.Angle = self.current_value
        elif self.driver_type == "Distance":
            self.actuator.Distance = self.current_value
            self.actuator.Offset = self.current_value
        self.label_current.setText("Current value: " + str(round(self.current_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        Gui.runCommand("asm3CmdQuickSolve", 0)
        print(slider_value, self.current_value)

# End of ControlPanel()
# Main section below:

def findTheDrivingConstraints(document_object):
    # search through the Objects and find the driving constraint
    driver_list = []
    for each in document_object.Objects:
        if each.Label.endswith("Driver"):
            driving_constraint = each.Name
    return driver_list

def main():
    kin_doc = App.ActiveDocument # Kinematic Document
    drivers = findTheDrivingConstraints(kin_doc)
    if len(drivers) < 1:
        print("No driver found!")
        panel_list = []
        for each_driver in drivers:
            panel = ControlPanel(kin_doc, each_driver)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # This will be true only if the file is "executed"
    # but not if imported as a module

En haut


To get the assembly in motion we need:

  • Buttons to trigger motion in the desired direction.
  • An input field to alter the number of steps for faster or smoother motions.
  • A check box to indicate if we want to shoot a sequence of images.

Forward and Backward buttons

To move the assembly parts automatically we need two buttons to trigger the motions, one towards the start position and one towards the end position. These two and a close button will use a QPushButton widget.

Small assemblies compute a bit too fast and show jumps instead of a smooth motion. To slow it down we use the sleep() method of the time module which has to be imported first.

Another import and another widget:

import time
from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QDialog, QLabel, QSlider, QLineEdit, QPushButton)

Back in the initUI() method we insert the buttons after the slider section:

        # forward button
        self.forward_button = QPushButton(">->", self)
        self.forward_button.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(240, 80, 50, 25))
        # backward button
        self.backward_button = QPushButton("<-<", self)
        self.backward_button.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 80, 50, 25))
        # close button
        self.close_button = QPushButton("Close window", self)
        self.close_button.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(120, 160, 130, 25))

The methods dealing with pressed buttons are self.onForward(), self.onBackward(), and self.onClose(). They are inserted after the onActuatorSlider() method.

    def onForward(self):
        steps_left = self.steps_value
        step = ((self.end_value - self.current_value) / steps_left)
        while steps_left > 0:
            self.current_value += step
            slider_value = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / self.stepRatio())
            steps_left -= 1

    def onBackward(self):
        steps_left = self.steps_value
        step = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / steps_left)
        while steps_left > 0:
            self.current_value -= step
            slider_value = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / self.stepRatio())
            steps_left -= 1

    def onClose(self):
        self.result = "Closed"

The method self.onClose() invokes the inherited method self.close() which just closes the dialog window and thereby ends the macro.

Both self.onForward() and self.onBackward() count the steps that are left to go to reach the wanted position and calculate the length of a step according to the number of steps. For now we go with the default number of 10 steps.

Each round on the while loop increases/decreases the current value and updates the slider values which triggers onActuatorSlider() in the background (see Slider paragraph). After a pause to let the computer provide another updated 3D view, counting down the steps left to go finishes the loop.

With no steps left the slider is set to the first/last slider position, just in case if a rounding error had occurred.

The dialog window with buttons should look like this and can now move the assembly by 10 steps towards the wanted start/end position:

Dialog window with buttons

Dialog window with buttons

And the macro so far...

#! python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2021 Your name LGPL

# imports and constants
import time
from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QDialog, QLabel, QSlider, QLineEdit, QPushButton)

class ControlPanel(QDialog):
    docstring for ControlPanel.
    def __init__(self, document, actuator):
        super(ControlPanel, self).__init__()
        self.initUI(document, actuator)

    def initUI(self, document, actuator):
        # Setting up class parameters
        self.actuator = document.getObject(actuator)
        self.driver_type = self.getDriverType(self.actuator)
        self.steps_value = 10
        self.sequence = False
        if self.driver_type == "Angle":
            self.current_value = self.actuator.Angle
            self.start_value = (self.current_value - 15)
            self.end_value = (self.current_value + 15)
            self.unit_suffix = (" °")
        elif self.driver_type == "Distance":
            self.current_value = float(str(self.actuator.Distance)[:-3])
            self.start_value = 0.001 # Distance must not be <= 0
            self.end_value = (self.current_value + 10)
            self.unit_suffix = (" mm")
            self.current_value = float(str(self.actuator.Offset)[:-3])
            self.start_value = (self.current_value - 10)
            self.end_value = (self.current_value + 10)
            self.unit_suffix = (" mm")

        # the window has 640 x 480 pixels and is centered by default
        #- set window dimensions
        self.setWindowTitle(self.actuator.Label + ": " + self.driver_type)

        # create some labels
        self.label_start = QLabel("", self)
        self.label_start.setFont("osifont") # set to a non-proportional font
        self.label_start.setText(str(round(self.start_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        self.label_start.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 15, 60, 25))

        self.label_end = QLabel("", self)
        self.label_end.setText(str(round(self.end_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        self.label_end.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(320, 15, 60, 25))

        self.label_current = QLabel("", self)
        self.label_current.setText("Current value: " + str(round(self.current_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        self.label_current.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 15, 150, 25))

        # create some input elements

        # text input field - Start value
        self.entry_start = QLineEdit(self)
        self.entry_start.setText(str(round(self.start_value, 1)))
        self.entry_start.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 80, 50, 25))

        # text input field - End value
        self.entry_end = QLineEdit(self)
        self.entry_end.setText(str(round(self.end_value, 1)))
        self.entry_end.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(320, 80, 50, 25))

        # Horizontal slider
        self.actuator_slider = QSlider(self)                             # create horizontalSlider
        self.actuator_slider.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal)        # orientation horizontal
        self.actuator_slider.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 50, 330, 25))  # position coordinates
        self.actuator_slider.setObjectName("horizontalSlider")           # object name
        self.actuator_slider.setInvertedAppearance(False)                # default: right to left
        self.actuator_slider.setRange(0, 100)                            # default: (0, 99)
        self.actuator_slider.setValue(self.current_value / self.stepRatio())

        # forward button
        self.forward_button = QPushButton(">->", self)
        self.forward_button.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(240, 80, 50, 25))
        # backward button
        self.backward_button = QPushButton("<-<", self)
        self.backward_button.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 80, 50, 25))
        # close button
        self.close_button = QPushButton("Close window", self)
        self.close_button.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(120, 160, 130, 25))

        # now make the window visible

    def getDriverType(self, constraint):
        if constraint.ConstraintType in ANGLE_CONSTRAINTS:
            return "Angle"
        elif constraint.ConstraintType in DISTANCE_CONSTRAINTS:
            return "Distance"
            return "Length"

    def stepRatio(self):
        ratio = (self.end_value - self.start_value) / 100
        return ratio

    def onEntryStart(self, new_start):
        self.start_value = float(new_start)
        self.label_start.setText(str(round(self.start_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        # Update the slider
        slider_value = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / self.stepRatio())

    def onEntryEnd(self, new_end):
        self.end_value = float(new_end)
        self.label_end.setText(str(round(self.end_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        # Update the slider
        slider_value = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / self.stepRatio())

    def onActuatorSlider(self, slider_value):
        self.current_value = slider_value * self.stepRatio() + self.start_value
        if self.driver_type == "Angle":
            self.actuator.Angle = self.current_value
        elif self.driver_type == "Distance":
            self.actuator.Distance = self.current_value
            self.actuator.Offset = self.current_value
        self.label_current.setText("Current value: " + str(round(self.current_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        FreeCADGui.updateGui() # screen update between steps
        Gui.runCommand("asm3CmdQuickSolve", 0)

    def onForward(self):
        steps_left = self.steps_value
        step = ((self.end_value - self.current_value) / steps_left)
        while steps_left > 0:
            self.current_value += step
            slider_value = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / self.stepRatio())
            steps_left -= 1

    def onBackward(self):
        steps_left = self.steps_value
        step = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / steps_left)
        while steps_left > 0:
            self.current_value -= step
            slider_value = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / self.stepRatio())
            steps_left -= 1

    def onClose(self):
        self.result = "Closed"

# End of ControlPanel()
# Main section below:

def findTheDrivingConstraints(document_object):
    # search through the Objects and find the driving constraint
    driver_list = []
    for each in document_object.Objects:
        if each.Label.endswith("Driver"):
            driving_constraint = each.Name
    return driver_list

def main():
    kin_doc = App.ActiveDocument # Kinematic Document
    drivers = findTheDrivingConstraints(kin_doc)
    if len(drivers) < 1:
        print("No driver found!")
        panel_list = []
        for each_driver in drivers:
            panel = ControlPanel(kin_doc, each_driver)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # This will be true only if the file is "executed"
    # but not if imported as a module

En haut

Number of steps

The default setting is to get a quick impression if the assembly is moving as expected without wasting too much computing time.

If the parts jump rather than move smoothly, or if drivers based on angles tend to cause trouble when the difference between two angles is too large, then both can be fixed by increasing the number of steps.

And so another line edit widget is used to alter the number steps (placed after the existing line edit widgets):

        # text input field - number of steps
        self.entry_steps = QLineEdit(self)
        self.entry_steps.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(180, 80, 50, 25))

The related method self.onEntrySteps() just fills the parameter self.step_value with the entered value. It is inserted after the onEntryEnd() method.

    def onEntrySteps(self, new_steps):
        self.steps_value = int(new_steps)

The dialog window able to change the number of steps should look like this:

Dialog window with another text entry field

Dialog window with another text entry field

En haut

Image sequence

When the motion of our assembly meets our expectations, we can take a picture of each step. The resulting sequence of images can be used to create a short gif animation.

To implement this functionality we need a QCheckBox widget, and a directory to store the images.

One more import and widget:

import time
from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QDialog, QLabel, QSlider, QLineEdit, QPushButton, QCheckBox)

Back in the initUI() method we insert the check box after the slider section:

        # output check box
        self.output_check = QCheckBox(self)
        self.output_check.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(40, 120, 300, 25))
        self.output_check.setText("Check to record an image sequence")

The method onOutputClicked() synchronises the parameter self.sequence and the display of the check mark.

    def onOutputClicked(self):
        if self.sequence == True:
            self.sequence = False
            self.sequence = True

To define the output parameters we use the method output():

    def output(self, counter):
        if (self.sequence == True):
            image_path = ".../FreeCAD/ScreenShots/Sequence"
            file_tag = ".png"
            height = 640
            width = 480
            background = "Transparent"
            # dealing with leading zeros
            if (counter > 999) or (counter < 0):
                print("Out of Range")
            elif (counter < 10):
                number = "00" + str(counter)
            elif (counter < 100):
                number = "0" + str(counter)
                number = str(counter)
            # Screen shot
            Gui.activeDocument().activeView().saveImage(image_path + number + file_tag, height, width, background)

First the image path has to be adapted to your OS; the last part is the image name without current number and file tag. This must be done manually for now.

Then follow file tag to finish the image name, image height and width, and how the background should be filled ("Current" (3D view background), "White", "Black", or "Transparent").

To always have a 3 digit number leading zeros have to be prefixed to the counter parameter.

Finally the scripted version of the command Std ViewScreenShot is used to take a picture based on the mentioned parameters.

Still no pictures taken!?! No problem, as this method doesn't get called yet, and so we need to insert a call in the while loop of onForward() and onBackward(). Right after time.sleep(0.2) we insert this line:


Now the macro should be ready to control an assembly and to take pictures for an animated gif.

The final version of the dialog window:

Dialog window finished

Dialog windows finished

And finally the whole macro

Don't forget to set the path in the output() method!

#! python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2021 Your name LGPL

# imports and constants
import time
from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QDialog, QLabel, QSlider, QLineEdit, QPushButton, QCheckBox)

class ControlPanel(QDialog):
    docstring for ControlPanel.
    def __init__(self, document, actuator):
        super(ControlPanel, self).__init__()
        self.initUI(document, actuator)

    def initUI(self, document, actuator):
        # Setting up class parameters
        self.actuator = document.getObject(actuator)
        self.driver_type = self.getDriverType(self.actuator)
        self.steps_value = 10
        self.sequence = False
        if self.driver_type == "Angle":
            self.current_value = self.actuator.Angle
            self.start_value = (self.current_value - 15)
            self.end_value = (self.current_value + 15)
            self.unit_suffix = (" °")
        elif self.driver_type == "Distance":
            self.current_value = float(str(self.actuator.Distance)[:-3])
            self.start_value = 0.001 # Distance must not be <= 0
            self.end_value = (self.current_value + 10)
            self.unit_suffix = (" mm")
            self.current_value = float(str(self.actuator.Offset)[:-3])
            self.start_value = (self.current_value - 10)
            self.end_value = (self.current_value + 10)
            self.unit_suffix = (" mm")

        # the window has 640 x 480 pixels and is centered by default
        #- set window dimensions
        self.setWindowTitle(self.actuator.Label + ": " + self.driver_type)

        # create some labels
        self.label_start = QLabel("", self)
        self.label_start.setFont("osifont") # set to a non-proportional font
        self.label_start.setText(str(round(self.start_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        self.label_start.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 15, 60, 25))

        self.label_end = QLabel("", self)
        self.label_end.setText(str(round(self.end_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        self.label_end.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(320, 15, 60, 25))

        self.label_current = QLabel("", self)
        self.label_current.setText("Current value: " + str(round(self.current_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        self.label_current.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 15, 150, 25))

        # create some input elements

        # text input field - Start value
        self.entry_start = QLineEdit(self)
        self.entry_start.setText(str(round(self.start_value, 1)))
        self.entry_start.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 80, 50, 25))

        # text input field - End value
        self.entry_end = QLineEdit(self)
        self.entry_end.setText(str(round(self.end_value, 1)))
        self.entry_end.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(320, 80, 50, 25))

        # text input field - number of steps
        self.entry_steps = QLineEdit(self)
        self.entry_steps.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(180, 80, 50, 25))

        # Horizontal slider
        self.actuator_slider = QSlider(self)                             # create horizontalSlider
        self.actuator_slider.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal)        # orientation horizontal
        self.actuator_slider.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 50, 330, 25))  # position coordinates
        self.actuator_slider.setObjectName("horizontalSlider")           # object name
        self.actuator_slider.setInvertedAppearance(False)                # default: right to left
        self.actuator_slider.setRange(0, 100)                            # default: (0, 99)
        self.actuator_slider.setValue(self.current_value / self.stepRatio())

        # output check box
        self.output_check = QCheckBox(self)
        self.output_check.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(40, 120, 300, 25))
        self.output_check.setText("Check to record an image sequence")

        # forward button
        self.forward_button = QPushButton(">->", self)
        self.forward_button.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(240, 80, 50, 25))
        # backward button
        self.backward_button = QPushButton("<-<", self)
        self.backward_button.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 80, 50, 25))
        # close button
        self.close_button = QPushButton("Close window", self)
        self.close_button.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(120, 160, 130, 25))

        # now make the window visible

    def getDriverType(self, constraint):
        if constraint.ConstraintType in ANGLE_CONSTRAINTS:
            return "Angle"
        elif constraint.ConstraintType in DISTANCE_CONSTRAINTS:
            return "Distance"
            return "Length"

    def stepRatio(self):
        ratio = (self.end_value - self.start_value) / 100
        return ratio

    def onEntryStart(self, new_start):
        self.start_value = float(new_start)
        self.label_start.setText(str(round(self.start_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        # Update the slider
        slider_value = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / self.stepRatio())

    def onEntryEnd(self, new_end):
        self.end_value = float(new_end)
        self.label_end.setText(str(round(self.end_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        # Update the slider
        slider_value = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / self.stepRatio())

    def onEntrySteps(self, new_steps):
        self.steps_value = int(new_steps)

    def onActuatorSlider(self, slider_value):
        self.current_value = slider_value * self.stepRatio() + self.start_value
        if self.driver_type == "Angle":
            self.actuator.Angle = self.current_value
        elif self.driver_type == "Distance":
            self.actuator.Distance = self.current_value
            self.actuator.Offset = self.current_value
        self.label_current.setText("Current value: " + str(round(self.current_value, 1)) + self.unit_suffix)
        FreeCADGui.updateGui() # screen update between steps
        Gui.runCommand("asm3CmdQuickSolve", 0)

    def onForward(self):
        steps_left = self.steps_value
        step = ((self.end_value - self.current_value) / steps_left)
        while steps_left > 0:
            self.current_value += step
            slider_value = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / self.stepRatio())
            steps_left -= 1

    def onBackward(self):
        steps_left = self.steps_value
        step = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / steps_left)
        while steps_left > 0:
            self.current_value -= step
            slider_value = ((self.current_value - self.start_value) / self.stepRatio())
            steps_left -= 1

    def onClose(self):
        self.result = "Closed"

    def onOutputClicked(self):
        if self.sequence == True:
            self.sequence = False
            self.sequence = True

    def output(self, counter):
        if (self.sequence == True):
            image_path = ".../FreeCAD/ScreenShots/Sequence"
            file_tag = ".png"
            height = 640
            width = 480
            background = "Transparent"
            # dealing with leading zeros
            if (counter > 999) or (counter < 0):
                print("Out of Range")
            elif (counter < 10):
                number = "00" + str(counter)
            elif (counter < 100):
                number = "0" + str(counter)
                number = str(counter)
            # Screen shot
            Gui.activeDocument().activeView().saveImage(image_path + number + file_tag, height, width, background)

# End of ControlPanel()
# Main section below:

def findTheDrivingConstraints(document_object):
    # search through the Objects and find the driving constraint
    driver_list = []
    for each in document_object.Objects:
        if each.Label.endswith("Driver"):
            driving_constraint = each.Name
    return driver_list

def main():
    kin_doc = App.ActiveDocument # Kinematic Document
    drivers = findTheDrivingConstraints(kin_doc)
    if len(drivers) < 1:
        print("No driver found!")
        panel_list = []
        for each_driver in drivers:
            panel = ControlPanel(kin_doc, each_driver)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # This will be true only if the file is "executed"
    # but not if imported as a module

En haut

Some imperfections

  • The order of the image sequence is reversed as we use the variable steps_left which is counted down.
  • The image directory and the image name are hard-coded.
  • Multiple Controllers are not synchronised.