VRML Vorbereitung für die Robotersimulation

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 20:53, 12 September 2020 by Maker (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Beachte, dass der Roboter beim Import aus 8 Formen besteht, die sich direkt an der Wurzel des Dokumentenbaums befinden. Die Struktur der exportierten VRML Datei kann sich änd...")
Roboter Arbeitsbereich
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Dieses Tutorium erklärt, wie man FreeCAD und den Arbeitsbereich Roboter Simulation um die Bewegungen eines 6-achsigen Serienroboters zu simulieren. Das Tutorium konzentriert sich auf die Erstellung der als Visualisierung verwendeten VRML-Datei. Die Basis der VRML Datei ist ein FreeCAD Modell. Die verwendete Version von FreeCAD ist 0.11.4252ppa1 auf Ubuntu 32bit.

Öffne eine Datei oder erstelle eine mit FreeCAD

Das Tutorium basiert auf einer STEP Datei eines Stäubli TX40 (TX40-HB.stp). Du kannst die Datei von Stäubli herunterladen. Obwohl ich immer noch nicht die Zeit hatte, dies zu überprüfen, sollte die Methode auch auf ein vollständig in FreeCAD erstelltes Modell anwendbar sein. Nachdem du die Datei geöffnet hast, solltest du dies erhalten:

Beachte, dass der Roboter beim Import aus 8 Formen besteht, die sich direkt an der Wurzel des Dokumentenbaums befinden. Die Struktur der exportierten VRML Datei kann sich ändern, wenn Gruppen verwendet werden. Die Formen sind von der Basis bis zum Werkzeug geordnet. Die letzte Form enthält die Drehachsen aller Roboterachsen. Die Korrelation Formname - Teilename Teilname wird erteilt durch (vorläufig (März 2011) importiert FreeCAD die in STEP Dateien enthaltenen Namen nicht):

FreeCAD name STEP name
TX40_HB002 ARM
TX40_HB007 ?

For this import, change the “Display Mode” of each shape, TX40_HB007 excepted, from “Flat Lines” to “Shaded” for the VRML export to look good. I also changed the colors to [245, 196, 0] and [204, 204, 204] to better correspond to Stäubli's yellow. Hide TX40_HB007 because it contains the axes of all joints and cannot be taken apart.

Measure geometric characteristics

In order to build the Denavit-Hartenberg table (see Robot 6-Axis) and prepare the vrml file, you need to get characteristics of the robot. For now, the measurement tool of FreeCAD is not ready, you can use the axes included in TX40_HB007 (the co-ordinates are indicated on the bottom left when you point an object with the mouse) or you have to use the Python console to get some information about the geometry. Note that the DH-table is only required if you need to use the inverse kinematics, i.e. get the Cartesian coordinates or drive the robot with Cartesian coordinates. The DH-table for this robot is the following (mm, deg and deg/s):

i d θ r α θmin θmax Axis velocity
1 320 q1 0 -90 -180 180 555
2 35 q2 - 90 225 0 -125 125 475
3 0 q3 + 90 0 90 -138 138 585
4 225 q4 0 -90 -270 270 1035
5 0 q5 0 90 -120 133.5 1135
6 65 q6 0 0 -270 270 1575

The csv file is then:

a  , alpha, d  , theta, rotDir, maxAngle, minAngle, AxisVelocity
0  ,   -90, 320,     0,      1,      180,     -180, 555
225,     0,  35,   -90,      1,      125,     -125, 475
0  ,    90,   0,    90,      1,      138,     -138, 585
0  ,   -90, 225,     0,      1,      270,     -270, 1035
0  ,    90,   0,     0,      1,    133.5,     -120, 1135
0  ,     0,  65,     0,      1,      270,     -270, 1575

Export to VRML

Export the document to a VRML file. The structure of the VRML file is the following:

#VRML V2.0 utf8

Group {
    Group {
      children [ 
        Group {

        Group {

        Group {

        Group {

        Group {

        Group {

        Group {

        Group {

        } ]



You can notice that we have 8 independent groups corresponding to the 8 shapes.

Preparation of the vrml file

All shapes in the VRML file are expressed in the base frame, independently from each other. For the Robot Simulation Workbench, we need to create a structure where a movement of a shape induces a movement of all shapes situated afterwards in the structure. The placement of the shapes will be relative to the preceding shape, so we need to include some translations from the absolute reference system to the relative one. The translations are described in the following picture:


A=(0, 0, 168)
B=(0, 107.8, 320)
C=(0, 104.15, 545)
D=(0, 35, 601)
E=(0, 35, 770)
F=(0, 35, 835).

Let's take the example of axis 4 between ELBOW and FOREARM, situated at D=(xd, yd, zd). The anchor for the FreeCAD axis is

"DEF FREECAD_AXIS4 Transform { rotation 0 1 0 0 children ["

This corresponds to a rotation about the y-axis. In the CAD model, the rotation is about the z-axis. Thus, we need to a rotation about the x-axis of before the FreeCAD axis definition and of after it. Also, a translation of (-xd, -yd, -zd) is needed just before the Group corresponding to the definition of FOREARM to express it in the relative reference frame centered at D. This means that a translation of (xd, yd, zd) must be inserted before the first rotation. At the end, the VRML file from the definition of ELBOW to the definition of FOREARM looks like this:

      # ELBOW
      Group {
        … here comes the unmodified definition of ELBOW
      Transform {
        translation 0 35 601
        rotation 1 0 0 1.5707963
          DEF FREECAD_AXIS4 Transform { rotation 0 1 0 0 children
            Transform {
              rotation 1 0 0 -1.5707963
                Transform {
                  translation 0 -35 -601
                  children [
      # FOREARM  
      Group {
        ... here comes the unmodified definition of FOREARM

At the end of the document, the appropriate closing brackets must be inserted: ]}}}}, for each of the 6 axes. Eventually, the document looks like this (I don't know if I can link the file here because of copyrights):

#VRML V2.0 utf8
Group {
  Group {
    children [ 
      Group {
          ... here comes the unmodified definition of HORIZONTAL BASE CABLE OUTLET
      Transform {
        translation 0 0 168
        rotation 1 0 0 1.5707963
          DEF FREECAD_AXIS1 Transform { rotation 0 1 0 0 children
            Transform {
              rotation 1 0 0 -1.5707963
                Transform {
                  translation 0 0 -168
                  children [
      # SHOULDER
      Group {
          ... here comes the unmodified definition of SHOULDER 
      Transform {
        translation 0 107.8 320
        #rotation 0 0 1 0
          DEF FREECAD_AXIS2 Transform { rotation 0 1 0 0 children
            Transform {
              #rotation 0 0 1 0
                Transform {
                  translation 0 -107.8 -320
                  children [
      # ARM  
      Group {
          ... here comes the unmodified definition of ARM 
      Transform {
        translation 0 104.15 545
        #rotation 0 0 1 0
          DEF FREECAD_AXIS3 Transform { rotation 0 1 0 0 children
            Transform {
              #rotation 0 0 1 0
                Transform {
                  translation 0 -104.15 -545
                  children [
      # ELBOW
      Group {
          ... here comes the unmodified definition of ELBOW
      Transform {
        translation 0 35 601
        rotation 1 0 0 1.5707963
          DEF FREECAD_AXIS4 Transform { rotation 0 1 0 0 children
            Transform {
              rotation 1 0 0 -1.5707963
                Transform {
                  translation 0 -35 -601
                  children [
      # FOREARM  
      Group {
          ... here comes the unmodified definition of FOREARM
      Transform {
        translation 0 35 770
        #rotation 0 0 1 0
          DEF FREECAD_AXIS5 Transform { rotation 0 1 0 0 children
            Transform {
              #rotation 0 0 1 0
                Transform {
                  translation 0 -35 -770
                  children [
      # WRIST
      Group {
          ... here comes the unmodified definition of WRIST
      Transform {
        translation 0 35 835
        rotation 1 0 0 1.5707963
          DEF FREECAD_AXIS6 Transform { rotation 0 1 0 0 children
            Transform {
              rotation 1 0 0 -1.5707963
                Transform {
                  translation 0 -35 -835
                  children [
      Group {
          ... here comes the unmodified definition of TOOL FRAME
      Group {
          ... here comes the unmodified definition of TX40_HB007
      } # "]" was deleted from this line
    ] # this is the "]" deleted from the line above

Here is a patch to obtain the VRML file suitable for robot simulation:

>         Transform {
>           translation 0 0 168
>           rotation 1 0 0 1.5707963
>           children
>             DEF FREECAD_AXIS1 Transform { rotation 0 1 0 0 children
>               Transform {
>                 rotation 1 0 0 -1.5707963
>                 children
>                   Transform {
>                     translation 0 0 -168
>                     children [
>         # SHOULDER
>         Transform {
>           translation 0 107.8 320
>           #rotation 0 0 1 0
>           children
>             DEF FREECAD_AXIS2 Transform { rotation 0 1 0 0 children
>               Transform {
>                 #rotation 0 0 1 0
>                 children
>                   Transform {
>                     translation 0 -107.8 -320
>                     children [
>         # ARM  
>         Transform {
>           translation 0 104.15 545
>           #rotation 0 0 1 0
>           children
>             DEF FREECAD_AXIS3 Transform { rotation 0 1 0 0 children
>               Transform {
>                 #rotation 0 0 1 0
>                 children
>                   Transform {
>                     translation 0 -104.15 -545
>                     children [
>         # ELBOW
>         Transform {
>           translation 0 35 601
>           rotation 1 0 0 1.5707963
>           children
>             DEF FREECAD_AXIS4 Transform { rotation 0 1 0 0 children
>               Transform {
>                 rotation 1 0 0 -1.5707963
>                 children
>                   Transform {
>                     translation 0 -35 -601
>                     children [
>         # FOREARM  
>         Transform {
>           translation 0 35 770
>           #rotation 0 0 1 0
>           children
>             DEF FREECAD_AXIS5 Transform { rotation 0 1 0 0 children
>               Transform {
>                 #rotation 0 0 1 0
>                 children
>                   Transform {
>                     translation 0 -35 -770
>                     children [
>         # WRIST
>         Transform {
>           translation 0 35 835
>           rotation 1 0 0 1.5707963
>           children
>             DEF FREECAD_AXIS6 Transform { rotation 0 1 0 0 children
>               Transform {
>                 rotation 1 0 0 -1.5707963
>                 children
>                   Transform {
>                     translation 0 -35 -835
>                     children [
>         # TOOL FLANGE
<         } ]
>         } 
>       ]}}}},
>       ]}}}},
>       ]}}}},
>       ]}}}},
>       ]}}}},
>       ]}}}},
>       ]