Translations:TechDraw SectionView/19/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  • Section Line Format: two section line formats are supported (as depicted above) and controlled by the Preference setting "Section Line Standard" on the Annotation tab. The ANSI option uses "pulling arrows" (known as the "traditional format" in some areas) and the ISO option uses "pushing arrows" (also known as the "reference arrow format").
  • Fuse Before Cut: the section operation sometimes fails to cut the source shapes. If Fuse Before Cut is true, the source shapes are merged into a single shape before the section operation is attempted. If you encounter problems with the section operation, try flipping this value.
  • Trim After Cut: the section cut operation sometimes leaves behind a portion of the source shape. If Trim After Cut is true, an additional cut operation is performed on the result of the first cut which should remove any unwanted pieces.
  • Cut Surface Display: the cut surface can be hidden, painted in a solid color, hatched using an Svg pattern (default) or hatched using a PAT pattern. See Hatching.