Translations:TechDraw 2PointCenterLine/21/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  1. Mode (radio buttons):
    • Vertical: Forces a centerline vertical
    • Horizontal: Forces a centerline horizontal
    • Aligned: Follows the general direction of the Edge for 2 Edge centerline
  2. Shift Horiz: Moves the centerline left or right of its normal position
  3. Shift Vert: Moves the centerline up or down from its normal position
  4. Rotate: Rotates the centerline around its center (degrees. + counterclockwise, - clockwise)
  5. Extend: Makes the centerline longer by this amount
  6. Color: Color of centerline
  7. Weight: Thickness of the centerline
  8. Style: Continuous, Dash, Dot, DashDot, DashDotDot