Translations:Sketcher CompCreateRectangles/16/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  1. A Mode spinbox to chose one of the modes to draw the rectangle:
    • Corner, length & width
    • Center, length & width
    • 3 corners
    • Center and two corners
  2. A Rounded corners checkbox to apply round corners to the rectangle.
  3. A Frame checkbox to add a contour with a constant offset to the (rounded) rectangle.
  • All three buttons in this selection now launch the same tool but with different preset combinations of mode and options that can still be altered after the first click.
  • If Rounded corners is enabled, the offset is inward, and the offset value is larger than the corner radius, the offset contour will be created without fillets.
  • The modes 3 corners, and Center and two corners create parallelograms rather than rectangles.