Translations:SheetMetal Workbench/21/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  • Open the Sheet_metal workbench.
  • Select 1 thickness of the edge (edge) of the base plate and click on the "bend" tool 90° default bend angle can be changed from 0 to 90°.
  • Edge height is 10mm by default, editable from 0.1 to xxxmm.
  • Bending radius is by default equal to thickness, editable from 0.1 to xxmm (never put 0).
  • Gap1, gap2 is the withdrawal of the folded edge from the corner of the base (0 accept).
  • Invert default: false folds to Z +, true to ZReliefd cuts the corner between the fold and the base (inactive if gap = 0).
  • Reliefw adds 1 slot between the crop and the edge (inactive if reliefd = 0).