Translations:PartDesign SubtractivePipe/11/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  • To better control the shape of the pipe, it is recommended that all cross-sections have the same number of segments. For example, for a pipe between a rectangle and a circle, the circle should be broken down into 4 connected arcs.
  • You can pipe from or toward a single vertex from a sketch or the body. introduced in version 0.20
  • When you select a vertex as section, it must in most cases be the last section of the pipe. You can change the order of the sections by dragging them in the list.
  • The path can only be from a single sketch, feature or ShapeBinder. In case you want to sweep along several edges from different sketches, use a SubShapeBinder.
  • The path must not contain branches or T-junctions etc. Loops are allowed.
  • It can lead to issues if the cross-section is not perpendicular to the path in 3D.
  • A cross-section cannot lie on the same plane as the one immediately preceding it.
  • The cross-sections must not contain disjoint or crossing loops.
  • If the sketch has inner geometry, then the order in which the sketch geometry is created should be the same for all sections. Either start all sections with the inner geometry, or start them all with the outer. Otherwise an invalid pipe will be created where inner and outer walls cross.