Translations:PartDesign Examples/24/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
Sphere Sphere
  • Outline: a180° arc and a line connecting the end points.
  • Path: full circle.
Sphere Segment Sphere Segment 240°
  • Outline: a 180° arc and a line connecting the end points.
  • Path: a 240° arc.
This function can create segments of any angle except 180° exactly, because it has a problem with start and end plane being coplanar.
Hemisphere Hemisphere
  • Outline: a 90° arc and two perpendicular lines connecting the end points.
  • Path: a full circle.
Torus Torus
  • Outline: full circle.
  • Path: full circle.
Cone Cone
  • Outline: triangle with one edge lying on the centreline.
  • Path: full circle.
Cylinder Cylinder
  • Outline: rectangle with one edge lying on the centreline.
  • Path: full circle.
Hollow Cylinder
Pipe (Hollow Cylinder)
  • Outline: rectangle.
  • Path: full circle.