
From FreeCAD Documentation

The general instructions are outlined in the IfcOpenShell repository, and are as follows:

  1. Get the source code of IfcOpenShell from its main repository.
  2. Gather all dependencies for compiling, including a C++ compiler, CMake, and Make, and the development files for Boost, libxml2, OpenCASCADE, SWIG, Python, and OpenCOLLADA (optional). Most of these components are strictly optional, however, for use with FreeCAD they should all be installed. OpenCOLLADA is optional as it only provides DAE support for the IfcConvert binary.
  3. Run cmake to generate a Makefile, then start the compilation by running make.
  4. Install the ifcopenshell Python module in the appropriate site-packages/ directory so that it is found by FreeCAD.