
From FreeCAD Documentation


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Task panel
See Tasks tab.
Tasks tab
A control panel in FreeCAD that displays content specific to the task at hand. It can show available tools in the active workbench or prompt for values and options while a command is active.
A tessellation of a surface is the tiling of the surface using one or more geometric shapes, called tiles, with no overlaps and no gaps. In FreeCAD it is needed to display the geometric shapes in the 3D-view. The tessellation relative to the dimensions of a shape can be set in the preferences to get a smoother view of round surfaces at the cost of computation time. See Preferences Editor.
1.  A measure of how thick a shape is.
2.  A Part workbench tool to hollow out a solid and leave a defined uniform thickness.
A setting that can be changed between two options, for example between True or False or between Off and On.
Topological Naming
A scheme whereby an edge or face, once created, is assigned a permanent name. Internally, FreeCAD identifies edges and faces on a solid by numbering them such as: Edge1, Edge2, Face1, Face2, etc. The problem is that these IDs are somewhat randomly applied, and they will change after something is done to the model that changes the amount of edges and faces. For example, if the model is revised an item linked to a Face2 could later erroneously become linked to a different face (which was renamed to become the new Face2), causing the user unwanted results. As of the FreeCAD 0.17 release Topological Naming has not yet been implemented, and so if an object is modified such that the number of edges or faces changes, the names of the edges or faces of that object might change too.
A primitive shape.
Short for bug tracker, the online software application used to keep track of reported bugs or feature requests. See also Mantis.