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Acronym for Open CASCADE. Prior to being open sourced, it used to be named CAS.CADE (abbreviated from Computer Aided Software for Computer Aided Design and Engineering).
Open CASCADE Community Edition. It provides patches, improvements and experiments contributed by users over the official Open CASCADE library. FreeCAD is known to work on either OCC or OCE.
Open CASCADE Technology. See OCC.
The geometric modeling kernel (software library) underlying FreeCAD. Also called OCC or OCCT (for Open CASCADE Technology). See also OCE.
1.  Name of a script-only based CAD program.
2.  A workbench in FreeCAD. The OpenSCAD workbench provides an interface for import/export of *.scad and *.csg models, as well as a some utility tools.
Origin (원점)
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See Orthographic projection and Multiview orthographic projection.