Translations:FEM EquationMagnetodynamic/13/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  • DataAngular Frequency: The harmonic actuation frequency. It is only used if DataIs Harmonic is set to true.
  • DataAutomated Source Projection BCs: See Elmer Elmer models manual, section Computation of Magnetic Fields in 3D for info.
  • DataFixInput Current Density: Ensures divergence-freeness of current density.
  • DataIs Harmonic: If the driving force is harmonically actuated (AC current). If set to true, DataAngular Frequency must have a value > 0.
  • DataLagrange Gauge Penalization Coefficient: See Elmer Elmer models manual, section Computation of Magnetic Fields in 3D for info.
  • DataQuadratic Approximation: Enables second-order approximation of driving current.
    Note: The default order of Gmsh meshes in FreeCAD is 2nd order. When using 2nd order meshes, it is mandatory to set this option to true. Otherwise you will get this error: ERROR:: GetEdgeBasis: Can't handle but linear elements, sorry.
    However, for most applications, a 1st order mesh is sufficient. An exception is the case when an Isocontour filter should be applied to visualize the results. In this case using a 2nd order mesh and thus setting DataQuadratic Approximation to true is recommended.
  • DataStatic Conductivity: See Elmer Elmer models manual, section Computation of Magnetic Fields in 3D for info.
  • DataUse Lagrange Gauge: See Elmer Elmer models manual, section Computation of Magnetic Fields in 3D for info.
  • DataUse Piola Transform: Must be true if basis functions for edge element interpolation are selected to be members of optimal edge element family or if second-order approximation is used.
  • DataUse Tree Gauge: See Elmer Elmer models manual, section Computation of Magnetic Fields in 3D for info. Will be ignored if DataUse Piola Transform is true.