Translations:Assembly3 Workbench/43/en

From FreeCAD Documentation

Let's get back to the example above

Note: make sure you added the "Locked" constraint to the cube or this will look confusing
In the CAD window select another face of the cube. Now we will only work in the tree view. Use your mouse in the tree view; make sure the cube is selected. Drag&Drop the cube to the 'Elements' folder. Drop it on the 'Elements' name, not anywhere else in the folder - we will see why later. You should see that another Element is added to the 'ELements' list. Now select in the 'Constraints' folder the child node of the cube face in the "Plane Coincident" constraint and delete it. The Constraint will show an exclamation mark since it is missing one Element. Note that by deleting the Element in the Constraint we did not delete it in the list. That is because in the constraint it was only a link to the Element in the list. Now take the newly added Element in the 'Elements' list and drag&drop it onto the "Plane Coincident" constraint. Now the cylider moves to the other face we selected. We might need to select 'context menu/flip part' again if the cylinder is again inside the cube.