FreeCAD vector math library/it: Difference between revisions

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Line 66: Line 66:
if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
return scale(other, dotproduct(first,other)/dotproduct(other,other))
return scale(other, dotproduct(first,other)/dotproduct(other,other))


{{languages/it | {{en|FreeCAD_vector_math_library}} {{es|FreeCAD_vector_math_library/es}} {{fr|FreeCAD_vector_math_library/fr}} }}
{{languages/it | {{en|FreeCAD_vector_math_library}} {{es|FreeCAD_vector_math_library/es}} {{fr|FreeCAD_vector_math_library/fr}} }}

Revision as of 22:29, 16 May 2014

Libreria di matematica vettoriale di FreeCAD

Questo è un file python che contiene un paio di funzioni utili per manipolare i vettori di FreeCAD. Per usarle, basta incollare il seguente codice in un file di python, e importare il file nel vostro script python. Questa libreria è inclusa nel Modulo Draft e vi si può accedere tramite l'interprete python in questo modo:

from draftlibs import fcvec

I vettori sono i mattoni costitutivi di quasi tutte le operazioni geometriche 3D, quindi è utile conoscerli un po' per capire come queste funzioni possono essere utili. Ecco alcune valide pagine per imparare le basi della matematica vettoriale:

Vector math library for FreeCAD"

import math,FreeCAD

def add(first, other):
	"add(Vector,Vector) - adds two vectors"
	if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
		return FreeCAD.Vector(first.x+other.x, first.y+other.y, first.z+other.z)

def sub(first, other): 
	"sub(Vector,Vector) - subtracts second vector from first one"
	if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
		return FreeCAD.Vector(first.x-other.x, first.y-other.y, first.z-other.z)

def scale(first,scalar):
	"scale(Vector,Float) - scales (multiplies) a vector by a factor"
	if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector):
		return FreeCAD.Vector(first.x*scalar, first.y*scalar, first.z*scalar)

def length(first):
	"lengh(Vector) - gives vector length"
	if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector):
		return math.sqrt(first.x*first.x + first.y*first.y + first.z*first.z)

def dist(first, other):
	"dist(Vector,Vector) - returns the distance between both points/vectors"
	if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
		return length(sub(first,other))

def normalized(first):
	"normalized(Vector) - returns a unit vector"
	if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector):
		return FreeCAD.Vector(first.x/l, first.y/l, first.z/l)

def dotproduct(first, other):
	"dotproduct(Vector,Vector) - returns the dot product of both vectors"
	if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
		return (first.x*other.x + first.y*other.y + first.z*other.z)

def crossproduct(first, other=FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1)):
	"crossproduct(Vector,Vector) - returns the cross product of both vectors. 
	If only one is specified, cross product is made with vertical axis, thus returning its perpendicular in XY plane"
	if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
		return FreeCAD.Vector(first.y*other.z - first.z*other.y, first.z*other.x - first.x*other.z, first.x*other.y - first.y*other.x)

def angle(first, other=FreeCAD.Vector(1,0,0)):
	"angle(Vector,Vector) - returns the angle in radians between the two vectors. 
	If only one is given, angle is between the vector and the horizontal East direction"
	if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
		return math.acos(dotproduct(normalized(first),normalized(other)))

def project(first, other):
	"project(Vector,Vector): projects the first vector onto the second one"
	if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
		return scale(other, dotproduct(first,other)/dotproduct(other,other))
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