FreeCAD Build Tool

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 00:54, 19 May 2010 by Yorik (talk | contribs)

The FreeCAD build tool or fcbt is a python script located at


It can be used to simplify some frequent tasks in building, distributing and extending FreeCAD.


With Python correctly installed, fcbt can be invoked by the command


It displays a menu, where you can select the task you want to use it for:

FreeCAD Build Tool
    fcbt <command name> [command parameter]
 possible commands are:
  - DistSrc         (DS)   Build a source Distr. of the current source tree
  - DistBin         (DB)   Build a binary Distr. of the current source tree
  - DistSetup       (DI)   Build a Setup Distr. of the current source tree
  - DistSetup       (DUI)  Build a User Setup Distr. of the current source tree
  - DistAll         (DA)   Run all three above modules
  - BuildDoc        (BD)   Create the documentation (source docs)
  - NextBuildNumber (NBN)  Increase the Build Number of this Version
  - CreateModule    (CM)   Insert a new FreeCAD Module in the module directory

 For help on the modules type:
   fcbt <command name> ?

At the input promt enter the abbreviated command you want to call. For example type "CM" for creating a module.


The command "DS" creates a source distribution of the current source tree.


The command "DB" creates a binary distribution of the current source tree.


The command "DI" creates a setup distribution of the current source tree.


The command "DUI" creates a user setup distribution of the current source tree.


The command "DA" executes "DS", "DB" and "DI" in sequence.


The command "BD" creates the software documentation by running Doxygen that must be installed.


The "NBN" command increments the build number to create a new release version of FreeCAD.


The "CM" command creates a new application module.

Start up and Configuration
Module Creation