FreeCAD-Ship s60 tutorial

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 10:09, 10 February 2012 by Sanguinariojoe (talk | contribs) (Added figures caption)

In this tutorial we will work with Serie 60 ship, from the Iowa University. The tutorial is aimed to show how to work with a symmetric monohull ship.

You can learn more about FreeCAD-Ship here

Loading geometry


FreeCAD-Ship works over Ship entities, that must be created on top of provided geometry. Geommetry can be a set of surfaces or solids, but following criteria must be taken into account:

  • Only symmetric ships are supported yet, so only half starboard geometry must be provided.
  • Starboard geometry must be included at negatives y domain.
  • Origin (0,0,0) point is the Amin frame and base line intersection.
Schematic view of sign criteria
Schematic view of sign criteria
FreeCAD-Ship sign criteria

Loading Serie 60 geometry

In order to help new users FreeCAD-Ship includes an example geometries loader.

Example ship geometries loader icon.
Example ship geometries loader icon.
Example ship geometries loader icon

Executing the tool (Ship design/Load an example ship geometry) a task dialog will shown. Select Serie 60 from Iowa University and press Accept. Tool loads new document with s60_IowaUniversity geometry.

Now you are working over example file, in order to preserve example is strongly recommended to save as new file before edit nothing

Create ship instance

In order to create a Ship instance select s60 geometry and execute the ship creation tool (Ship design/Create a new ship).

Ship creation tool.
Ship creation tool.
Ship creation tool icon

Outline draw

FreeCAD-Ship provides a tool in order to make easy exporting ship outline draw.

Outline draw tool.
Outline draw tool.
Outline draw tool icon
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