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Found 8 translations.

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 h Deutsch (de)* [[Image:Workbench_BIM.svg|32px]] Der Arbeitsbereich [[BIM_Workbench/de|BIM]] für die Arbeit mit Bauwerkselementen und die Erstellung von Modellen entsprechend  der [ Bauwerksdatenmodellierung], also BIM-Modellen (nach engl. [ Building Information Modelling], kurz BIM). Er kombiniert den Arbeitsbereich Arch und den vormals externen Arbeitsbereich BIM aus der {{VersionMinus/de|0.21}}.
 h English (en)* [[Image:Workbench_BIM.svg|32px]] The [[BIM_Workbench|BIM Workbench]] for working with architectural elements and creating [ BIM] models. It combines the Arch Workbench and the formerly external BIM Workbench available in {{VersionMinus|0.21}}.
 h français (fr)* [[Image:Workbench_BIM.svg|32px]] L'[[BIM_Workbench/fr|atelier BIM]] pour travailler avec des éléments architecturaux et créer des modèles [ BIM]. Il combine l'atelier Arch et l'ancien atelier BIM externe disponible dans la {{VersionMinus/fr|0.21}}.
 h italiano (it)* [[Image:Workbench_BIM.svg|32px]] [[BIM_Workbench/it|Ambiente BIM]] per lavorare con elementi architettonici e creare modelli [ BIM]. Combina l'ambiente Arch e l'ambiente BIM precedentemente disponibile come ambiente complementare nella {{VersionMinus/it|0.21}}.
 h 한국어 (ko)* [[File:Workbench_BIM.svg|24px]] [[BIM_Workbench|BIM 작업대]]는 건축 요소로 작업하고 [ BIM] 모델을 만들 수 있는[[External_workbenches/ko|외부 작업대]]입니다. 건축 작업대와 이전의 외부 BIM 작업대가 결합되었고{{VersionMinus|0.21}}에서 사용가능 합니다.
 h polski (pl)* [[Image:Workbench_BIM.svg|32px]] [[BIM_Workbench/pl|BIM]] do pracy z elementami architektonicznymi i tworzenia modeli [ BIM]. Łączy w sobie środowisko pracy Architektura i wcześniejsze zewnętrzne środowisko pracy BIM dostępne w {{VersionMinus|0.21}}.
 h português (pt)* [[Image:Workbench_BIM.svg|32px]] A [[BIM_Workbench|Bancada BIM]] para trabalho com elementos e criação de modelos arquiteturais [ BIM]. Ela combina a Bancada Arch e a antiga Bancada externa BIM disponível em {{VersionMinus|0.21}}.
 h português do Brasil (pt-br)* [[Image:Workbench_BIM.svg|32px]] A [[BIM_Workbench|Bancada BIM]] para trabalho com elementos e criação de modelos arquiteturais [ BIM]. Ela combina a Bancada Arch e a antiga Bancada externa BIM disponível em {{VersionMinus|0.21}}.