All translations

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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Deutsch (de)1. Gehe auf die Makro Wiki Seite, die unter [[Macros recipes/de|Makro Rezepte]] aufgelistet sein sollte.
 h English (en)1. Go to the macro wiki page, which should be listed in [[Macros recipes|Macros recipes]].
 h français (fr)1. Allez sur la page wiki macro qui devrait être présente dans la liste [[Macros recipes/fr|Macros]].
 h italiano (it)1. Andare alla pagina wiki della macro, che dovrebbe essere elencata in [[Macros recipes/it|Raccolta di macro]].
 h română (ro)If there are one or more icon (s) download also position your mouse over the icon, click the right mouse button and click "Save image as ..." the icon or icons are placed in the macro directory and one of these icons serve as a shortcut icon to place on the [[Customize_Toolbars|toolbar.]]