Part Circle

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Revision as of 21:53, 10 January 2019 by Renatorivo (talk | contribs)

Part Circle

Menu location
Part → Create Primitives → Circle
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


A Circle geometric primitive is available from the Create Primitives dialogue in the Part workbench.

The Create Primitives dialogue can be accessed via the CreatePrimitives icon located in the Part menu or the Part toolbar, in the Part Workbench.

This command will create a circular curved edge. With the default values, the circular curved edge will be closed and therefore will be a circle. If the properties Angle 0 or Angle 1 are changed from their default values (0 and 360) the edge will be an open curve, an arc.

Alternatively a Part Circle can be initially defined from three points. Once created the circle will only contain the standard Part Circle properties and will no longer contain a reference to the creation points.


  • Radius: the radius of the curved edge (arc or circle)
  • Angle 0: start of the curved edge, (degrees anti-clockwise), the default value is 0
  • Angle 1: end of the curved edge, (degrees anti-clockwise), the default value is 360