Path: 3D Surface

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Revision as of 19:35, 3 November 2018 by Luc (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Proprietăți==")
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Path 3DSurface

Menu location
Path → 3D Surface
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


Acest instrument creează o nouă operație 3D de suprafață. O operație 3D Surface utilizează întreaga suprafață superioară a modelului 3D pentru a genera codul G pentru lucrare.

The 3D Surface Tool interfaces to OCL.pyd, a 3rd party Open Source module titled OpenCamLib, that generates tool paths from a 3D Model. OpenCamLib is not integrated directly into FreeCAD to ensure their license is not violated. It requires that Experimental Features are enabled.


  1. Apăsați butonul File:Path 3DSurface.png 3D Surface button.
  2. Select the tool controller for the Operation from the Tool controller dialogue pop up window.
  3. Set the Finish Depth.
  4. Select between Dropcutter and Waterline for the Tool algorithm.
  5. Apicați, apoi apăsați OK pentru confirmare.
