Macro CenterOfMass

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 23:57, 31 October 2022 by Marco T (talk | contribs)

Centro di massa

Fornisce il centro di massa degli oggetti selezionati.

Versione macro: 0.5.0
Ultima modifica: 2022-04-06
Autore: chupins, s-quirin
chupins, s-quirin
Versione macro
Data ultima modifica
Versioni di FreeCAD
Vedere anche


Fornisce la massa totale e la posizione del centro di massa risultante da più oggetti selezionati. È possibile scegliere diverse densità per ciascun oggetto.

Temporary code for external macro link. Do not use this code. This code is used exclusively by Addon Manager. Link for optional manual installation: Macro

# This code is copied instead of the original macro code
# to guide the user to the online download page.
# Use it if the code of the macro is larger than 64 KB and cannot be included in the wiki
# or if the RAW code URL is somewhere else in the wiki.

from PySide import QtGui, QtCore

diag = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Information,
    "This macro must be downloaded from this link\n"
    "" + "\n"
    "Quit this window to access the download page")


import webbrowser"")


Selezionare gli oggetti

Lanciare la macro


Scarica la macro da GitHub: Macro CenterOfMass.FCMacro

Scaricare e incollare i file icona in una sottodirectory denominata CenterOfMass nella directory delle macro:


La discussione nel forum Macro to compute center of mass


0.5.0 / 2022-04-06: complete rewrite by s-quirin (SyProLei project (Saarland University))

  • New: Code base, Requirement raised to Qt5.12+ and Python3 (FreeCAD 0.19).
  • New: Show mass of each solid.
  • New: Start window docked or floating (can be set in Parameter Editor).
  • New: Selection matches up tree view or is sorted by name (can be set in Parameter Editor).
  • New: Option to save densities in document.
  • Improved: FreeCAD alike Gui look and feel.
  • Improved: Scaled color palette (from green to red) to colorify shapes.
  • Improved: Visualising the displacement of centre of mass to the geometry.
  • Improved: Internal tracking of units.
  • Fix: Handling of groups and group objects.
  • Fix: Handling of App::Link.
  • Fix: Replaced deprecated Qt class.

0.4.2 / 2019-06-09:

  • Check last version number on github and popup if not last version.
  • Automatic update of show CdG (if it exists) when densities are changed.
  • Bug correction when changing radius.

0.4.1 / 2019-05-25: Add default density button, sphere cursor, change window behavior, correct a container part issue.

0.3.6 / 2019-05-22: Radius of spheres representing centers of mass of solids depends on their masses.

0.3.5 / 2019-05-21: Arrays and clone correction.

0.3.4 / 2019-03-18: Minor.

0.3.3 / 2019-03-17: Loading .csv corrections.

0.3.2 / 2019-03-14: Add a colorify push button to add color to shapes depending on their density.

0.3.0 / 2019-03-03 : python 3 compatibility

0.2.3 / 2018-11-22 : new icon name

0.1.2 / 2018-11-10 : xx