Arch: Rimuovi componente

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 08:42, 29 November 2013 by Renatorivo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{GuiCommand/it|Name=Arch Remove|Name/it=Rimuovi|Workbenches=Architettura|MenuLocation=Arch → Rimuovi|SeeAlso=Aggiungi}}")


Posizione nel menu
Arch → Rimuovi
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The Remove tools allows you to do 2 kinds of operations:

  • Remove a subcomponent from an Arch object, for example remove a box that has been added to a wall, like in the Arch Add example
  • Subtract a shape-based object from an Arch component such as a wall or structure

In the above image, a box is being subtracted from a wall

How to use

  1. Select a subcomponent inside an Arch object, or:
  2. Select object(s) to be subtracted, then the Arch component from which they must be subtracted (the arch component must be the last thing you selected)
  3. Press the Remove button


The Remove tool can by used in macros and from the python console by using the following function:

removeComponents (objectsList,[hostObject])
  • removes the given component or the components from the given list from their parents. If a host object is specified, this function will try adding the components as holes to the host object instead.


 import FreeCAD, Arch, Draft, Part
 line = Draft.makeWire([FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,0),FreeCAD.Vector(2,2,0)])
 wall = Arch.makeWall(line)
 box = Part.makeBox(1,1,1)