Path Workbench/fr

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 18:25, 16 March 2018 by Jpg87 (talk | contribs)


L'atelier Path est utilisé pour produire les instructions machine pour les machines CNC à commande numérique à partir d'un modèle 3D FreeCAD. Celui-ci produit des objets 3D réels sur des machines CNC telles que des fraiseuses, des tours, des cutters laser ou similaires. Généralement, les instructions sont en langage G-Code.

Le flux de travail de l'atelier Path FreeCAD crée ces instructions machine comme suit:

  • Un modèle 3D est l'objet de base, généralement créé à l'aide d'un ou plusieurs des ateliers Part Design, Part ou Draft.
  • Une Tâche est créée dans l'atelier Path. Celle-ci contient toutes les informations nécessaires pour générer le G-Code nécessaire pour traiter le travail sur une fraiseuse CNC: il y a le brut de matière, le magasin d'outils de la fraiseuse et il suit certaines commandes contrôlant la vitesse et les mouvements (généralement G-Code).
  • Les outils sont sélectionnés comme requis par les opérations de travail.
  • Les parcours de l'outil de fraisage sont créés en utilisant par ex. des opérations de Contournage et Poche 3D. Ces objets parcours utilisent le langage FreeCAD G-Code interne, indépendant de la machine CNC.

Links for the impatient

Depending on your interest in the Path workbench there are different topics for further reading:

  • If you are a new new user trying to get familiar with Path, you might be interested in a fast walk-through tutorial.
  • If you have a special machine which cannot use one of the available postprocessors you may want to learn about post-processor customization
  • As an experienced user you may want to write a macro or automate a process might need to learn about scripting
  • Power users who want to streamline their workflow can learn about customization.
  • New developers who want to contribute to path might want to understand core concepts.

General concepts

The Path Workbench generates G-Code defining the paths required to mill the Project represented by the 3D model on the target mill—in [the Path Job Operations FreeCAD G-Code dialect ], which is later translated to the appropriate dialect for the target CNC controller by selecting the appropriate Postprocessor.

The G-Code is generated from directives and Operations contained in a Path Job. The Job Workflow lists these in the order they will be executed. The list is populated by adding Path Operations, Path Dressups, Path Partial Commands, and Path Modifications—from the Path Menu, or GUI buttons.

The Path Workbench provides a Tool Manager (Library, Tool-Table), and G-Code Inspection, and Simulation tools. It links the Postprocessor, and allows importing and exporting Job Templates.

The Path Workbench has external dependencies including:

  1. The FreeCAD 3D model units are defined in the Edit-> Preference...->General->Units tab's Units settings. The Postprocessor configuration defines the final G-Code units.
  2. The Macro file path, and Geometric tolerances, are defined in the Edit->Preferences...->Path->Job Preferences tab.
  3. Colors are defined in the Edit->Preferences...->Path->Path colors tab.
  4. Holding tag parameters are defined in the Edit->Preferences...->Path->Dressups tab.
  5. That the Base 3D model quality supports the Path WB requirements—passes Check Geometry.

FreeCAD Path Workbench internal G-Code dialect represents Feed rates in Units/Second—what the G-Code Inspection tool will show. The Postprocessor is configured to generate the appropriate Feed rates—either in Units/Second or Units/Minute for the target mill.

Template:Path Commands


L'atelier Path offre une large API script python. Avec cet API, vous pouvez créer et modifier des scripts Python de Path, ou étendre les fonctionnalités disponibles dans l'atelier.


The Path Workbench shares many concepts with other CAM software packages but has its own peculiarities. If something seems wrong, this might be a good place to start.