
From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 21:02, 4 October 2014 by Renatorivo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Мы сразу же можем просмотреть потомков, нашей сцены:")

Pivy это python библаотека привязанная к Coin3d, библиотеке 3D-рендеринга используемой FreeCAD-ом. Когда он импортирован, в запущенный python интерпритатор, он позволяет вести диалог напрямую с любым запущеным деревом сцен Coin3d, также как окна трехмерного отображения FreeCAD, или даже создавать новые. Pivy входит в стандвртную установку FreeCAD.

Библиотека coin разделена на несколько частей, собственно coin, для управления древами сцен и привязки к различным GUI системам, таким как windows или, в нашем случае, qt. Эти модули также доступны pivy, если они представлены в системе. Модуль coin всегда присутствует, и это то что мы будем использовать в любом случае, поэтому мы не должны хаботится о наших привзках нашего 3D отображения, к различным интерфейсам, это уже сделано в самом FreeCAD. Все что вам нужно, так это сделать ЭТО:

 from pivy import coin

Получение доступа и изменение древа сцен

Мы говорили на странице Scenegraph как организована типичная Coin сцена. Все что добавляется в окно трехмерного отображения FreeCAD , coin scenegraph, организует схожим образом. у нас есть один корневой узел, и все объекты на экране его потомки.

FreeCAD обладает простым способом получит доступ к корневому узлу(вершине) древа сцена 3D вида:

 sg = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getSceneGraph()
 print sg

Это вернет корневой узел:

 <pivy.coin.SoSelection; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'SoSelection *' at 0x360cb60> >

Мы сразу же можем просмотреть потомков, нашей сцены:

 for node in sg.getChildren():
     print node

Some of those nodes, such as SoSeparators or SoGroups, can have children themselves. The complete list of the available coin objects can be found in the official coin documentation.

Let's try to add something to our scenegraph now. We'll add a nice red cube:

 col = coin.SoBaseColor()
 cub = coin.SoCube()
 myCustomNode = coin.SoSeparator()

and here is our (nice) red cube. Now, let's try this:


See? everything is still accessible and modifiable on-the-fly. No need to recompute or redraw anything, coin takes care of everything. You can add stuff to your scenegraph, change properties, hide stuff, show temporary objects, anything. Of course, this only concerns the display in the 3D view. That display gets recomputed by FreeCAD on file open, and when an object needs recomputing. So, if you change the aspect of an existing FreeCAD object, those changes will be lost if the object gets recomputed or when you reopen the file.

A key to work with scenegraphs in your scripts is to be able to access certain properties of the nodes you added when needed. For example, if we wanted to move our cube, we would have added a SoTranslation node to our custom node, and it would have looked like this:

 col = coin.SoBaseColor()
 trans = coin.SoTranslation()
 cub = coin.SoCube()
 myCustomNode = coin.SoSeparator()

Remember that in an openInventor scenegraph, the order is important. A node affects what comes next, so you can say something like: color red, cube, color yellow, sphere, and you will get a red cube and a yellow sphere. If we added the translation now to our existing custom node, it would come after the cube, and not affect it. If we had inserted it when creating it, like here above, we could now do:


And our cube would jump 2 units to the right. Finally, removing something is done with:


Using callback mechanisms

A callback mechanism is a system that permits a library that you are using, such as our coin library, to call you back, that is, to call a certain function from your currently running python object. This is extremely useful, because that way coin can notify you if some specific event occurs in the scene. Coin can watch very different things, such as mouse position, clicks of a mouse button, keyboard keys being pressed, and many other things.

FreeCAD features an easy way to use such callbacks:

 class ButtonTest:
   def __init__(self):
     self.view = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView
     self.callback = self.view.addEventCallbackPivy(SoMouseButtonEvent.getClassTypeId(),self.getMouseClick) 
   def getMouseClick(self,event_cb):
     event = event_cb.getEvent()
     if event.getState() == SoMouseButtonEvent.DOWN:
       print "Alert!!! A mouse button has been improperly clicked!!!"

The callback has to be initiated from an object, because that object must still be running when the callback will occur. See also a complete list of possible events and their parameters, or the official coin documentation.


Unfortunately pivy itself still doesn't have a proper documentation, but since it is an accurate translation of coin, you can safely use the coin documentation as reference, and use python style instead of c++ style (for example SoFile::getClassTypeId() would in pivy be SoFile.getClassId())
