Sketcher "Структурная копия"

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Revision as of 05:22, 21 October 2019 by Mad max (talk | contribs)

Sketcher Структурная Копия

Системное название
Sketcher Carbon Copy
Расположение в меню
Эскиз → Геометрия эскиза → Структурная Копия
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Инструмент Структурная Копия копирует всю геометрию и ограничения из другого эскиза в активный эскиз. Размерные ограничения, которые существовали до применении функции копирования останутся связанными с размерными ограничениями исходного эскиза через expressions (выражения).

Как использовать

  1. Press the CarbonCopy button.
  2. Click on an edge from the other sketch.
  3. Geometry elements as well as constraints are copied into the sketch.
  4. If the sketch to be copied is not on a parallel plane to the active sketch, the mouse pointer will turn into an interdict sign. Press the key CTRL ALT to allow selection of a non-parallel sketch. The object will then be adjustet to the new sketches plane. ( noteː as of writing this needs a save and reload of the document to make it visible)
  5. If the sketch to be copied is not in the active Body, the mouse pointer will turn into an interdict sign. Press CTRL to allow selection of a sketch from the other body. If the foreign Sketch is also on a different plane, use ː CTRL ALT to copy from a different plane.
  6. Press ESC or press the right mouse button to terminate the function.


  • All the content of the sketch is copied; it is not possible to select only a portion of it.