Translations:SheetMetal Examples/30/en

From FreeCAD Documentation

Mirror using a clone:

  1. Select the body from the tree view.
  2. Use the PartDesign Clone command. It adds a new body containing a clone object.
    To apply a 180° turn set the DataAngle under the Placement property of either the body or the clone to 180°. (Z axis is default and should be fine if you started on the XZ plane as described).
    Cloned half Flipped cloned half
  3. With the body still active, use the PartDesign Boolean operation command to add the body of the clone and fuse both halves.
    Fused halves
  4. Activate the Unfold command to get an Unfold object.
    Clip and Unfold object Unfold object
  5. Done!