TechDraw: Tipi di tratteggio

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Revision as of 20:59, 22 February 2018 by Renatorivo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===Tratteggio Area=== Tratteggio Area usa delle tessere di base Svg o bitmap per coprire la faccia selezionata.")


TechDraw ha due strumenti per il tratteggio: File:Techdraw-hatch.png Tratteggio Area(basato su tasselli) e File:Techdraw-geomhatch.png Tratteggio Geometrico (basato su linee).

Per entrambi gli strumenti, selezionare una faccia,

quindi premere l'icona appropriata. Inizialmente la faccia viene tratteggiata usando i valori predefiniti. Modificare le proprietà del tratteggio per ottenere il modello desiderato.

Tratteggio Area

Tratteggio Area usa delle tessere di base Svg o bitmap per coprire la faccia selezionata.

Svg tiles are typically 64x64 pixel images. Some examples are available on GitHub.

Any bitmap file can be used (png, jpeg, etc) as a fill. Results are best with many small repeated images rather than fewer larger images.

Default Hatch Area fills can be specified in Preferences.

Geometric Hatch

Geometric Hatch forms a pattern of lines based on a specification read from a file. This file is generally compatible with the widely used AutoDesk® PAT format. A small selection of patterns is included in the FCPAT.pat file:

; standard PAT patterns

*Diamond, 45 diagonals L & R, Solid, 1.0 mm separation
*Diamond2, 45 diagonals L & R, Solid, 2.0 mm separation
*Diamond4, 45 diagonals L & R, Solid, 4.0 mm separation
*Diagonal4, 45 diagonal R, Solid, 4.0 mm separation
*Square, square grid, Solid, 5.0 mm separation 
*Horizontal5, horizontal lines, Solid 5.0 separation
*Vertical5, vertical lines, Solid, 5.0 separation

You can add your own patterns if you have write permission to FCPAT.pat, or you can create your own *.pat file and point to it in Preferences.

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