Sketcher Rotate

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Sketcher Rotate

Menu location
Sketch → Sketcher tools → Polar transform
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


The Sketcher Rotate tool rotates and optionally copies selected edges. Copies are evenly distributed according to the rotation angle. When starting the tool, the mouse pointer changes to a white cross with a red rotate icon: .


  1. Select the geometry to be rotated.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Polar transform button.
    • Select the Sketcher → Sketcher tools → Polar transform option from the menu.
    • The keyboard shortcut: Z then P.
  3. A Rotate parameters section is added at the top of the Sketcher Task panel.
  4. Optionally set a number of copies in the Copies spinbox.
  5. Optionally check the Clone constraints checkbox to clone instead of copy the selected geometry.
  6. Click to indicate the rotation center or enter the coordinates.
  7. Click to indicate the start angle of the rotation measured from the x axis or enter the angle value.
  8. Click to indicate the rotation angle measured from the start angle or enter the angle value to finish the command. This also removes the Rotate parameters section from the Task panel.