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Die CAD-Fähigkeiten von FreeCAD basieren auf dem [ OpenCasCade] kernel. Das Part-modul erlaubt FreeCAD den Zugriff und die Nutzung von OpenCasCade-Objekten und Funktionen. OpenCascade ist ein professioneller CAD-Kernel, der erweiterte Funktionen zur 3D-Geometrie Manipulation und Objekten bereitstellt. Die Part-Objekte, sind im Gegensatz zu [[Mesh-Module/de]] Objekten viel komplexer, und erlauben somit deutlich fortgeschrittenere Operationen, wie kohärent Boolsche Operationen, Änderungs-Historie und Parametrisches Verhalten.

[[Image:Part example.jpg]]

Beispiel eines Form-Teils in FreeCAD

=== Die Werkzeuge ===

Die Part-Modul-Werkzeuge sind alle im '''Part''' Menü, welches erscheint, wenn Sie das Part-Modul laden.

{{Part Tools/de}}

=== Boolsche Operationen ===

[[Image:Part_BooleanOperations.png|500px|left|Beispiele zu Vereinigung (Fuse), Teilbereich (Common) und Differenz (Cut)]]


Beispiele zu Vereinigung (Fuse), Teilbereich (Common) und Differenz (Cut)

=== Erläuterung der Konzepte ===

Noch in Arbeit . . . .
In OpenCasCade terminology, we distinguish between geometric primitives and (topological) shapes. A geometric primitive can be a point, a line, a circle, a plane, etc. or even some more complex types like a B-Spline curve or surface. A shape can be a vertex, an edge, a wire, a face, a solid or a compound of other shapes. The geometric primitive are not made to be directly displayed on the 3D scene, but rather to be used as building geometry for shapes. For example, an edge can be constructed from a line or from a portion of a circle.

We could say, to resume, that geometry primitive are "shapeless" building blocks, and shapes are the real spatial geometry built on it.

To get a complete list of all of them refer to the [ OCC documentation] and search for Geom_Geometry and TopoDS_Shape. There you can also read more about the differences between geometric objects and shapes. Please note that unfortunately the OCC documentation is not available online (you must download an archive) and is mostly aimed at programmers, not at end-users. But hopefully you'll find enough information to get started here.

The geometric types actually can be divided into two major groups: curves and surfaces. Out of the curves (line, circle, ...) you can directly build an edge, out of the surfaces (plane, cylinder, ...) a face can be built. For example, the geometric primitive line is unlimited, i.e. it is defined by a base vector and a direction vector while its shape representation must be something limited by a start and end point. And a box -- a solid -- can be created by six limited planes.

From an edge or face you can also go back to its geometric primitive counter part.

Thus, out of shapes you can build very complex parts or, the other way round, extract all sub-shape a more complex shape is made of.

=== Scripting ===

The main data structure used in the Part module is the [ BRep] data type from OpenCascade.
About all contents and object types of the Part module are now available to python scripting. This includes geometric primitives, such as Line and Circle (or Arc), and the whole range of TopoShapes, like Vertexes, Edges, Wires, Faces, Solids and Compounds. For each of those objects, several creations methods exist, and for some of them, especially the TopoShapes, advanced operations like booleans union/difference/intersection are also available. Erkunden Sie die Inhalte des Part-Moduls, wie auf der [[FreeCAD Scripting Grundlagen]]-Seite beschrieben, um mehr zu erfahren.

=== Beispiele ===

To create a line element switch to the Python console and type in:
import Part,PartGui

Let's go through the above python example step by step:
import Part,PartGui
loads the Part module and creates a new document
Line is actually a line segment, hence the start and endpoint.
This adds a Part object type to the document and assigns the shape representation of the line segment to the 'Shape' property of the added object. It is important to understand here that we used a geometric primitive (the Part.line) to create a TopoShape out of it (the toShape() method). Only Shapes can be added to the document. In FreeCAD, geometry primitives are used as "building structures" for Shapes.
Updates the document. This also prepare the visual representation of the new part object.

Note that a Line can be created by specifiying its start and endpoint directly in the constructor, for ex. Part.Line(point1,point2) or we can create a default line and set its properties afterwards, like we did here.

A circle can be created in a similar way:
import Part
doc = App.activeDocument()
c = Part.Circle()
f = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", "Circle")
f.Shape = c.toShape()
Note again, we used the circle (geometry primitive) to construct a shape out of it. We can of course still access our construction geometry afterwards, by doing:
s = f.Shape
e = s.Edges[0]
c = e.Curve
Here we take the shape of our object f, then we take its list of edges, in this case there will be only one because we made the whole shape out of a single circle, so we take only the first item of the Edges list, and we takes its curve. Every Edge has a Curve, which is the geometry primitive it is based on.

Springen Sie zur [[Topological data scripting]] Seite, falls Sie mehr darüber erfahren möchten.
{{docnav/de|Der Mesh Arbeitsbereich|Der Zeichnungs-Arbeitsbereich}}

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[[Category:User Documentation/de]]

Latest revision as of 14:52, 27 April 2024

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