Part ColorPerFace

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Revision as of 18:00, 13 April 2024 by Roy 043 (talk | contribs)

Part ColorPerFace

Menu location
View → Color per face
Part, PartDesign
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Std Appearance


The Part ColorPerFace tool allows you to define a color for each face or surface of an object. This way you can assign multiple colors to one part. To color whole parts, use Std SetAppearance instead.


To color faces:

  1. Right-click on an object in the tree view. If the object supports the FaceColors feature, there is a context menu entry Set colors... and you can click on it.
  2. To select face(s):
    • For a single face simply click on it.
    • To select multiple faces:
      • Keep Ctrl pressed and click on several faces.
      • Or click the Box selection button in the task panel. You can then drag a selection rectangle in the 3D view with the mouse. Every face that is partly inside the rectangle will be selected.
  3. Choose a color for the selected faces in the task panel. introduced in version 0.20: The color can also get a transparency by setting the Alpha channel.
  4. Click the OK button to close the task panel and accept the changes.

To reset all face colors:

  1. Click Set to default. This sets the colors of all faces of the part to the default color. The button works instantly, i.e. you can not revert this with the Cancel button.

The FaceColors task panel