
From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 13:35, 27 September 2016 by Kejuchenshi (talk | contribs)

FreeCAD 是一開源三維建模軟體。主要為了實物建模,囊括小自電子零件大至建築與土木專案,並特別針對可三維列印物件。FreeCAD 免費下載、使用、散佈與修改,且其源碼開源且以非常寬鬆之 LGPL 授權發布。您以 FreeCAD 所生產之物完全歸您所有,且可不由 FreeCAD 存取。

FreeCAD 同時為一徹底社群專案,以俱 FreeCAD 熱忱所凝聚之社群開發者與用戶開發與維護故。

This manual is an experiment at taking the opposite way from the official FreeCAD documentation wiki. The wiki is written collaboratively by dozens of community members and, like most wikis, it contains huge amounts of information, but is very hard to access and navigate by newcomers. This turns it a precious resource for reference, but not a very practical tool to learn FreeCAD. This manual will walk you through the same information available on the wiki. However, we hope that the more step-by-step pace, based on examples, and the more unified tone given by a smaller number of authors, will make it more suitable for a first contact with FreeCAD, and that it will become a perfect companion for the wiki.

本手冊是為穩定版本 FreeCAD 0.16 而著。

本手冊所有內容以 創用授權 4.0 釋出,可以自由使用、下載、複製、修改。手冊原始檔案存放於 維基 以及撰寫初版之 github 原始帳號。易讀之 HTML, PDF, MOBI, EPUB 版本可見於 GitBook。印刷版本準備中。