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FreeCAD 的新用户面临的一个最大困难,是不知道在哪个工作台中找到某个特定工具。下面的表中是最重要的工作台及其工具。更完整的列表,请参阅 FreeCAD 文档中的每个工作台的页面。

四个工作台设计成了结对工作,其中一个完全包含在另一个中。Arch 包含所有的 Draft 工具,PartDesign 包含所有的 Sketcher 工具。但是为清楚起见,下面分开来讲。


Part 工作台提供了处理实体零件的基本工具:基础几何体,例如立方体和球体,以及简单的几何运算和布尔运算。作为与 OpenCasCade 的主要锚点,Part 工作台提供了 FreeCAD 几何系统的基础设施,几乎所有其他工作台都生成基于 Part 的几何对象。

工具 说明 工具 说明
Box 绘制长方体 Cone 绘制圆锥
Cylinder 绘制圆柱体 Sphere 绘制球体
Torus 绘制圆环体(环) Create primitives 创建各种其他参数化的几何图元
Shape builder 从基元创建更复杂的形状 Union 熔合 (合并) 两个对象
Common 提取两个对象的公共(交叉)部分 Cut 从另一个对象中剪切(减去)一个对象
JonConnect 连接围墙物体的内部 JoinEmbed 将围墙物体对象嵌入另一个围墙物体对象中
Join Cutout 在围墙物体对象的墙上剪切一块来创建另一个围墙对象 Extrude 拉伸对象的一个平面
Fillet 做物体的圆角(圆孤)边缘 Revolve 围绕轴旋转对象(非实体)来创建一个实体对象
Section 将对象与剖切面相交来创建横截面 SectionCross 沿对象的一个方向创建多个横截面
Chamfer 给物体的边缘做倒角 Mirror 相对给定镜像平面镜像选定对象
Ruled Surface 在所选曲线之间创建一个有规则的曲面 Sweep 沿路径扫略一个或多个轮廓
Part_Loft 从一个轮廓渐变到另一个轮廓 Offset 创建原始对象的缩放过的副本
Thickness 为形状的面指定厚度


Draft 工作台提供了执行基本 2D CAD 绘图任务的工具:直线,圆圈,等等,以及一些通用的便捷工具,例如移动,旋转和缩放,另外还提供了几种绘图辅助工具,例如网格和捕捉。Draft 工作台主要用于绘制Arch 对象的引导线,但是也可以当作 FreeCAD 的“瑞士军刀”。

工具 描述 工具 描述
Line 在 2 个点之间绘制线段 Wire 绘制由多个线段组成的线(折线)
Circle 以中心和半径绘制一个圆 Arc 以中心,半径,起始角度和结束角度绘制弧段
Ellipse 以两个角点绘制一个椭圆 Polygon 以中心和半径绘制正多边形
Rectangle 以 2 个相对的点绘制一个矩形 Text 绘制多行文本注释
Dimension 绘制尺寸标注 BSpline 以一系列的点绘制 B 样条曲线
Point 插入一个点 Shapestring ShapeString 工具在当前文档的给定点处插入表示文本字符串的复合形状
Facebinder 从现有对象上的选定面创建新对象 Bezier Curve 以一系列的点绘制贝塞尔曲线
Move 将对象从一个位置移动或复制到另一个位置 Rotate 围绕某点旋转对象一定角度
Offset 将对象偏移特定距离 Trimex 修剪,延伸或拉伸物体
Upgrade 将对象转换或连接到更高级别的对象 Downgrade 将对象转换或分离为较低级别的对象
Scale 相对某点缩放对象 Shape 2D View 创建一个 2D 对象,它是另一个对象的扁平视图
Draft to Sketch 将草稿(draft)对象转换为草图(sketch),反之亦然 Array 将对象创建为极坐标阵列或矩形阵列
Path Array 沿路径放置副本来将对象创建为阵列 Clone 为对象创建带链接的副本
Mirror 沿一条线镜像对象


Sketcher 工作台包含用于构建和编辑复杂 2D 对象的工具,称为草图(sketch)。这些草图内的几何形状可以通过使用约束来精确地定位和关联。这些草图(sketch)对象主要是 PartDesign 几何体的构建模块,但在 FreeCAD 各处都有用。

工具 描述 工具 描述
Point 画出一点 Line 以 2 个点绘制线段
Arc 以中心,半径,起始角度和结束角度绘制弧段 Arc 3 points 以两个端点和圆周上的另一个点绘制弧段
Circle 以中心和半径绘制一个圆 Circle 3 points 以圆周上的三个点绘制一个圆
Ellipse 按中心点,主要半径点和小半径点绘制椭圆 Ellipse 3 points 根据大直径(2 点)和小半径点绘制椭圆
Arc of ellipse 按中心点,主要半径点,起点和终点绘制椭圆弧 Polyline 绘制由多个线段组成的线,有多种绘图模式
Rectangle 以 2 个相对的点绘制一个矩形 Triangle 绘制圈在构造几何圆中的正三角形
Square 绘制圈在构造几何圆中的正方形 Pentagon 绘制圈在构造几何圆中的正五边形
Hexagon 绘制圈在构造几何圆中的正六边形 Heptagon 绘制圈在构造几何圆中的正七边形
Octagon 绘制圈在构造几何圆中的正八边形 Slot 通过选择一个半圆的中心和另一个半圆的端点绘制一个长腰孔
Fillet 在相交于一点的两条线之间制作圆角 Trimming 相对于选定点,修剪直线,圆或圆弧
External geometry 创建链接到外部几何体的边 Construction mode 切换元素是否处于构造模式。构造对象不会用于 3D 几何操作,只有在编辑包含它的 Sketch 时才可见。
Coincident 让一个点固定于(与之重合)一个(或多个已经重合的)其他点上。 Point on object 将点绑定到另一个对象(例如直线,圆弧或轴线)上。
Vertical 将选定的线或折线元素约束到真正的垂直方向。在应用此约束之前,可以选择多个对象。 Horizontal 将选定的线或折线元素约束到真正的水平方向。在应用此约束之前,可以选择多个对象。
Parallel 约束两条或更多条线,彼此平行。 Perpendicular 约束两条线彼此垂直,或约束线在弧的端点与弧垂直。
Tangent 在两个选定实体之间创建相切约束,或在两个线段之间创建共线约束。 Equal length 约束两个选定实体彼此相等。如果在圆或弧上使用,则它们的半径将设置为相等。
Symmetric 相对某线约束两个点对称,或者相对第三个选定点约束前两个选定点对称。 Lock 通过设置相对于原点的垂直和水平距离来约束所选对象,从而锁定它的位置。
Horizontal distance 指定两点或线段端点之间的水平距离。如果仅选择了一个对象,则设置为与原点的距离。 Vertical distance 指定两点或线段端点之间的竖直距离。如果仅选择了一个对象,则设置为与原点的距离。
Distance 约束所选线的长度,或约束两个点之间的距离。 Radius 通过约束半径来定义选定圆弧或圆的半径。
Internal anglr 定义两条选定线之间的内角。 Snell's law 约束两条线以遵守折射定律来模拟通过界面的光
Internal alignment 将所选元素与选定形状对齐(例如,线段作为椭圆的主轴) Map sketch 将草图映射到先前选定的实体的面
Merge 合并两个或多个草图 Mirror 镜像某草图中选定的元素

Part Design

The Part Design Workbench contains advanced tools to build solid parts. It also contains all the tools from the sketcher. Since it can only produce solid shapes (the rule number one of Part Design), it is the main workbench to use when designing pieces (parts) to be manufactured or 3D-printed, as you will always obtain a printable object.

Tool Description Tool Description
Pad Extrudes a solid object from a selected sketch Pocket Creates a pocket from a selected sketch. The sketch must be mapped to an existing solid object's face
Revolution Creates a solid by revolving a sketch around an axis Groove Creates a groove by revolving a sketch around an axis
Fillet Fillets (rounds) edges of an object Chamfer Chamfers edges of an object
Draft Applies angular draft to faces of an object Mirrored Mirrors features on a plane or face
Linear pattern Creates a linear pattern of features Polar pattern Creates a polar pattern of features
Scaled Scales features to a different size Multitransform Allows creating a pattern with any combination of the other transformations
Shaft wizard Generates a shaft from a table of values and allows to analyze forces and moments Involute gear wizard Allows you to create several types of gears


The Arch Workbench contains tools to work with BIM projects (civil engineering and architecture). It also contains all the tools from the Draft workbench. The main use of the Arch Workbench is to create BIM objects or give BIM attributes to objects built with other workbenches, in order to export them to IFC.

Tool Description Tool Description
Wall Creates a wall from scratch or using a selected object as a base Structure Creates a structural element from scratch or using a selected object as a base
Rebar Creates a reinforcement bar in a selected structural element Floor Creates a floor including selected objects
Building Creates a building including selected objects Site Creates a site including selected objects
Window Creates a window using a selected object as a base Section plane Adds a section plane object to the document
Axis Adds an axes system to the document Roof Creates a sloped roof from a selected face
Space Creates a space object in the document Stairs Creates a stairs object in the document
Panel Creates a panel object from a selected 2D object Frame Creates a frame object from a selected layout
Equipment Creates an equipment or furniture object Material Attributes a material to selected objects
Schedule Creates different types of schedules Cut plane Cut an object according to a plan
Add Adds objects to a component Remove Subtracts or removes objects from a component
Survey Enters or leaves surveying mode


The Drawing Workbench handles the creation and manipulation of 2D drawing sheets, used for displaying views of your 3D work in 2D. These sheets can then be exported to 2D applications in SVG or DXF formats, to a PDF file or printed.

Tool Description Tool Description
New sheet Creates a new drawing sheet View Inserts a view of the selected object in the active drawing sheet
Annotation Adds an annotation to the current drawing sheet Clip Adds a clip group to the current drawing sheet
Open browser Opens a preview of the current sheet in the browser Ortho views Automatically creates orthographic views of an object on the current drawing sheet
Symbol Adds the contents of a SVG file as a symbol on the current drawing sheet Draft view Inserts a special Draft view of the selected object in the current drawing sheet
Save Saves the current sheet as a SVG file

Other built-in workbenches

Although the above summarizes the most important tools of FreeCAD, many more workbenches are available, among them:

  • The Mesh Workbench allows to work with polygon meshes. Although meshes are not the preferred type of geometry to work with in FreeCAD, because of their lack of precision and support for curves, meshes still have a lot of uses, and are fully supported in FreeCAD. The Mesh Workbench also offers a number of Part-to-Mesh and Mesh-to-Part tools.
  • The Raytracing Workbench offers tools to interface with external renderers such as povray or luxrender. Right from inside FreeCAD, this workbench allows you to produce high-quality renderings from your models.
  • The Spreadsheet Workbench permits the creation and manipulation of spreadsheet data, that can be extracted from FreeCAD models. Spreadsheet cells can also be referenced in many areas of FreeCAD, allowing to use them as master data structures.
  • The FEM Workbench deals with Finite Elements Analysis, and permits the performing of pre- and post-processing FEM calculations and to display the results graphically.

External workbenches

A number of other very useful workbenches produced by FreeCAD community members also exist. Although they are not included in a standard FreeCAD installation,they are easy to install as plug-ins. They are all referenced in the FreeCAD-addons repository. Among the most developed are:

  • The Drawing Dimensioning Workbench offers many new tools to work directly on Drawing Sheets and allow you to add dimensions, annotations and other technical symbols with great control over their aspect.
  • The Fasteners Workbench offers a wide range of ready-to-insert fasteners objects like screws, bolts, rods, washers and nuts. Many options and settings are available.
  • The Assembly2 Workbench offers a series of tools to mount and work with assemblies.

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