Git componerpaquete

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Revision as of 11:56, 4 August 2021 by Maker (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Los flujos de trabajo de desarrollo de Debian modernos implican [ empaquetar con Git] y la herramienta principal para hacerlo es [http:...")

Los flujos de trabajo de desarrollo de Debian modernos implican empaquetar con Git y la herramienta principal para hacerlo es git-buildpackage. git-buildpackage proporciona un comando gbp con varias opciones similares al propio comando git. Muchos de estos comandos son en sí mismos sólo una envoltura de herramientas de Debian de nivel inferior, por lo que la complejidad para aprender a empaquetar puede ser bastante alta.

To get around that, here are the short & simple steps to getting started with git-buildpackage. This should work on nearly any Debian-based distribution, but I recommend working on this in a clean and separate environment a Debian Unstable virtual machine.

  1. Install it with sudo apt install git-buildpackage
  2. Grab the dotfiles at the end of this page. You'll need: ~/.gbp.conf, ~/.pbuilderrc, and ~/.quiltrc
  3. The package build will occur in a clean environment. Create it with sudo git-pbuilder create
  4. Find the URL of a package you want to build on, the Debian project's self-hosted GitLab instance
  5. Create a clone of it with gbp clone --all <URL>
  6. Enter the cloned repo's directory with cd
  7. Run the build with gbp buildpackage -us -uc
  8. When it's finished, your packages will be at ../build-area/.

Location: ~/.gbp.conf


Location: ~/.pbuilderrc


Location: ~/.quiltrc