Výkresové šablony

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Revision as of 16:47, 23 January 2014 by Honza32 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Vytváření šablon pro modul Výkresy je velmi snadné. Koukněte na výukový program Výkres Šablona Jak. Šablony jsou SVG soubory, které jso...")

Vytváření šablon pro modul Výkresy je velmi snadné. Koukněte na výukový program Výkres Šablona Jak. Šablony jsou SVG soubory, které jsou vytvořené nějakou aplikací schopnou vyexportovat SVG soubory, jako je třeba Inkscape. Musí být dodrženy pouze násleující 2 pravidla:

  • Jeden pixel = jeden millimeter
  • Ve vytvořeném SVG kódu musíte do místa kde chcete aby se zobrazoval Váš výkres (například na konec souboru před značku </svg>) vložit následující řádek:
 <!-- DrawingContent -->

In addition to these two rules, as of FreeCAD 0.14, Revision 2995, information about the Border and Title block can be added to the template for use by the orthographic projection tool. This information defines where FreeCAD can, and can not place the projections.

To define the Border, the following line must appear before the <metadata tag in the svg file.

<!-- Working space X1 Y1 X2 Y2 -->

Where X1, Y1, X2, Y2 are defined as:

  • X1 is the X axis distance from the left edge of the page to the left side of the Border.
  • Y1 is the Y axis distance from the top edge of the page the the top of the Border.
  • X2 is the X axis distance from the left edge of the page to the right side of the Border.
  • Y2 is the Y axis distance from the top edge of the page the the bottom of the Border.

To define the Title block the following line must be inserted before the <metadata tag and after the Working space tag.

<!-- Title block X1a Y1a X2a Y2a -->

Where X1a, Y1a, X2a, Y2a are defined as:

  • X1a is the X axis distance from the left edge of the page to the left side of the Title block
  • Y1a is the Y axis distance from the top edge of the page the the top of the Title block
  • X2a is the X Axis distance from the left edge of the page to the right side of the Title block
  • Y2a is the Y axis distance from the top edge of the page the the bottom of the Title block
  • X1a <= X1 or X2a >= X2
  • Y1a <= Y1 or Y2a >= Y2

The following is an example of the code that defines the Working space and Title block areas that are to be inserted before the <metadata tag. You needn't specify a title block, but if you do it must be defined on the next line immediately following the Working space:

<!-- Working space X1 Y1 X2 Y2 -->
<!-- Title block X1a Y1a X2a Y2a -->

  • Several custom attributes can be placed in templates. The list of currently supported attributes is available on the Svg Namespace page.

A3 templates

A3 Classic:

A3 Clean:

A3 Modern:

A3 Showcase:

A3 Landscape english:

A4 Templates

A4 Landscape english:

A4 Portrait 1 english:

US Letter Templates

US Letter landscape:

US Letter portrait:

US Letter ds Landscape:

US Legal ds Landscape:

US Ledger ds Landscape:

Other standards available