Console API/de

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 20:17, 6 August 2021 by Le Loup (talk | contribs)
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This module is contained inside the FreeCAD module and contains methods to send text to FreeCAD's output console and status bar. The messages will have different color if they are message, warning or error.


import FreeCAD
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Hello World!\n")

GetStatus("Log" or "Msg" or "Wrn" or "Err")

Description: Get the status for either Log, Msg, Wrn or Error for an observer

Returns: a status string.


Description: Prints an error message to the output

Returns: nothing


Description: Prints a log message to the output

Returns: nothing


Description: Prints a message to the output

Returns: nothing


Description: Prints a warning to the output

Returns: nothing


Description: Set the stats for either Log, Msg, Wrn or Error for an observer
