Artwork project

From FreeCAD Documentation

Artwork project is a project dedicated to coming up with a new logo, icons, and pictures.


Every once in a while a new contributor proposes a new logo or icon. This page is meant to track those proposals and discussions around them.

Logo proposals

A new logo proposal comes up quite often. Even though there's a dedicated thread people for proposals, people open a new thread for their own work.

Proposals can be divided into several categories:

  • A variation of traditional design with F and the gear
  • An updated traditional design with F and C stylized as caliper and the gear
  • Geometrical flat figures representing F and C
  • F, C, gear depicted in 3D
  • Abstract ideas, not obviously related to F, C, gear


Artwork is proposed less often as there are dozens and hundreds of icons in FreeCAD. Only a few people dared to try this. The traditional artwork is done by a single man years ago. There are currently 2 proposals in progress.

Forum threads