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Found 7 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Deutsch (de)* [[Image:Workbench_CAM.svg|32px]] Der Arbeitsbereich [[CAM_Workbench/de|CAM]] Wird eingesetzt, um G-Code-Befehle zu erstellen. Dieser Arbeitsbereich wurde in {{VersionMinus/de|0.21}} "Path" genannt.
 h English (en)* [[Image:Workbench_CAM.svg|32px]] The [[CAM_Workbench|CAM Workbench]] is used to produce G-Code instructions. This workbench was called "Path Workbench" in {{VersionMinus|0.21}}.
 h français (fr)* [[Image:Workbench_CAM.svg|32px]] L'[[CAM_Workbench/fr|atelier CAM]] est utilisé pour produire des instructions en G-Code. Cet atelier était appelé "atelier Path" {{VersionMinus/fr|0.21}}.
 h italiano (it)* [[Image:Workbench_CAM.svg|32px]] [[CAM_Workbench/it|Ambiente CAM]] viene utilizzato per produrre istruzioni G-Code. Questo ambiente di lavoro era chiamato "Path Workbench" nella {{VersionMinus/it|0.21}}.
 h 한국어 (ko)* [[Image:Workbench_CAM.svg|32px]] [[CAM_Workbench/ko|CAM 작업대]]는 G-코드 명령어를 만들 때 사용됩니다. 이 작업대는 {{VersionMinus|0.21}}에서 이름은"Path 작업대"였습니다.
 h polski (pl)* [[Image:Workbench_CAM.svg|32px]] [[CAM_Workbench/pl|CAM]] służy do tworzenia instrukcji G-Code. To środowisko pracy zostało nazwane "Path" w {{VersionMinus/pl|0.21}}.
 h português do Brasil (pt-br)* [[Image:Workbench_CAM.svg|32px]] A [[CAM_Workbench|Bancada CAM]] é usada para produzir instruções G-Code. Essa Bancada era chamada "Bancada Path" na {{VersionMinus|0.21}}.