All translations

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Found 9 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Deutsch (de)[[File:Spreadsheet_screenshot.jpg|600px]]
{{Caption|Eine Tabellenblatt mit bestimmten Zellen, die mit Text und Mengen gefüllt sind}}
 h English (en)[[File:Spreadsheet_screenshot.jpg|600px]]
{{Caption|A spreadsheet with certain cells filled with text and quantities}}
 h español (es)[[File:Spreadsheet_screenshot.jpg|600px]]
{{Caption|Una hoja de cálculo con determinadas celdas rellenas de texto y cantidades}}
 h français (fr)[[File:Spreadsheet_screenshot.jpg|600px]]
{{Caption|Une feuille de tableur avec un certain nombre de cellules remplies de texte et de quantités}}
 h italiano (it)[[File:Spreadsheet_screenshot.jpg|600px]]
{{Caption|Un foglio di calcolo con alcune celle compilate con testo e quantità}}
 h 한국어 (ko)
{{Caption|텍스트와 수량으로 채워진 특정 셀이 있는 스프레드시트}}
 h polski (pl)[[File:Spreadsheet_screenshot.jpg|600px]]
{{Caption|Arkusz kalkulacyjny z komórkami wypełnionymi tekstem i ilościami}}
 h português do Brasil (pt-br)[[File:Spreadsheet_screenshot.jpg|600px]]
{{Caption|Uma planilha com determinadas células preenchidas com texto e quantidades}}
 h русский (ru)[[File:Spreadsheet_screenshot.jpg|600px]]
{{Caption|Таблица с определенными ячейками, заполненными текстом и значениями.}}