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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)In this case we observe the properties of the [[PartDesign_Revolution|PartDesign Revolution]] feature.
 h français (fr)Dans ce cas, nous observons les propriétés de la fonction [[PartDesign_Revolution/fr|PartDesign Révolution]].
 h italiano (it)In questo caso osserviamo le proprietà dello strumento [[PartDesign_Revolution/it|Rivoluzione di PartDesign]].
 h polski (pl)W tym przypadku obserwujemy właściwości [[PartDesign Revolution|PartDesign Wyciągnij przez obrót]].
 h português do Brasil (pt-br)Neste caso, observamos as propriedades da função [[PartDesign Revolution/pt-br|Revolução PartDesign]].