All translations

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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en){| class="wikitable float-right mw-collapsible mw-uncollapsed"
!style="width: 33%;"|Name
!style="width: 66%;"|Description
| {{MenuCommand|Search in known binary directories}}
| If checked, FreeCAD will look for the binary of [[FEM_MeshGmshFromShape|Gmsh]] in known (usual) directories
| {{MenuCommand|Gmsh binary path}}
| The path to the the binary of [[FEM_MeshGmshFromShape|Gmsh]]
 h français (fr){| class="wikitable float-right mw-collapsible mw-uncollapsed"
!style="width: 33%;"|Nom
!style="width: 66%;"|Description
| {{MenuCommand|Rechercher dans les répertoires binaires connus}}
| Si cette case est cochée, FreeCAD cherchera le binaire de [[FEM_MeshGmshFromShape/fr|Gmsh]] dans les répertoires (habituels) connus
| {{MenuCommand|Chemin binaire de Gmsh}}
| Le chemin vers le binaire de [[FEM_MeshGmshFromShape/fr|Gmsh]].
 h polski (pl){| class="wikitable float-right mw-collapsible mw-uncollapsed"
!style="width: 34%;"|Nazwa
!style="width: 66%;"|Opis
| {{MenuCommand|Szukaj w znanych katalogach binarnych}}
| Jeśli jest zaznaczone, FreeCAD będzie szukał pliku binarnego [[FEM_MeshGmshFromShape/pl|Gmsh]] w znanych ''(zwykłych)'' katalogach.
| {{MenuCommand|Ścieżka do pliku binarnego Gmsh}}
| Ścieżka do pliku binarnego [[FEM_MeshGmshFromShape/pl|Gmsh]].