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Found 4 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)* {{PropertyView|Draw Style|Enumeration}}: specifies the draw style of the layer: {{value|Solid}}, {{value|Dashed}}, {{value|Dotted}} or {{value|Dashdot}}
* {{PropertyView|Line Color|Color}}: specifies the line color of the layer.
* {{PropertyView|Line Width|Float}}: specifies the line width of the layer.
* {{PropertyView|Override Line Color Children|Bool}}: specifies if changes to the {{PropertyView|Line Color}} of the layer are propagated to the objects inside the layer.
* {{PropertyView|Override Shape Appearance Children|Bool}}: specifies if changes to the {{PropertyView|Shape Appearance}} of the layer are propagated to the objects inside the layer. {{Version|1.0}}
* {{PropertyView|Shape Appearance|MaterialList}}: specifies the shape appearance of the layer. {{Version|1.0}}
* {{PropertyView|Shape Color|Color|hidden}}: specifies the shape color of the layer. It is kept synchronized with the '''Diffuse Color''' of the {{PropertyView|Shape Appearance}}.
* {{PropertyView|Transparency|Percent}}: specifies the transparency of the layer. It is kept synchronized with the '''Transparency''' of the {{PropertyView|Shape Appearance}}.
 h français (fr)* {{PropertyView|Draw Style|Enumeration}} : spécifie le style de dessin du calque : {{value|Solid}}, {{value|Dashed}}, {{value|Dotted}} ou {{value|Dashdot}}.
* {{PropertyView|Line Color|Color}} : spécifie la couleur de la ligne du calque.
* {{PropertyView|Line Width|Float}} : spécifie la largeur de ligne de la couche.
* {{PropertyView|Override Line Color Children|Bool}} : indique si les modifications apportées à {{PropertyView|Line Color}} du calque sont propagées aux objets situés à l'intérieur du calque.
* {{PropertyView|Override Shape Appearance Children|Bool}} : spécifie si les changements apportés à {{PropertyView|Shape Appearance}} du calque sont propagés aux objets à l'intérieur du calque. {{Version/fr|1.0}}
* {{PropertyView|Shape Appearance|MaterialList}} : spécifie l'apparence de la forme du calque. {{Version/fr|1.0}}
* {{PropertyView|Shape Color|Color|hidden}} : spécifie la couleur de la forme du calque. Elle est synchronisée avec la '''Couleur diffuse''' de {{PropertyView|Shape Appearance}}.
* {{PropertyView|Transparence|Percent}} : spécifie la transparence du calque. Elle est synchronisée avec la '''Transparence''' de {{PropertyView|Shape Appearance}}.
 h italiano (it)* {{PropertyView|Draw Style|Enumeration}}: specifica lo stile di disegno del livello: {{value|Solid}}, {{value|Dashed}}, {{value|Punteggiato}} o {{value|Dashdot} }
* {{PropertyView|Line Color|Color}}: specifica il colore della linea del livello.
* {{PropertyView|Line Width|Float}}: specifica la larghezza della linea del livello.
* {{PropertyView|Override Line Color Children|Bool}}: specifica se le modifiche al {{PropertyView|Line Color}} del livello vengono propagate agli oggetti all'interno del livello.
* {{PropertyView|Override Shape Color Children|Bool}}: specifica se le modifiche a {{PropertyView|Shape Color}} del livello vengono propagate agli oggetti all'interno del livello.
* {{PropertyView|Shape Color|Color}}: specifica il colore della forma del livello.
* {{PropertyView|Transparency|Percent}}: specifica la trasparenza del livello.
 h polski (pl)* {{PropertyView|Styl rysowania|Enumeration}}: określa styl rysowania warstwy: {{value|Ciągła}}, {{value|Przerywana}}, {{value|Kropkowana}} lub {{value|KreskaKropka}}.
* {{PropertyView|Kolor linii|Color}}: określa kolor linii warstwy.
* {{PropertyView|Szerokość linii|Float}}: określa szerokość linii warstwy.
* {{PropertyView|Zastąp elementy potomne kolorem linii|Bool}}: określa, czy zmiany w {{PropertyView|Kolorze linii}} warstwy są przekazywane do obiektów wewnątrz warstwy.
* {{PropertyView|Zastąp elementy podrzędne kolorem kształtu|Bool}}: określa, czy zmiany w {{PropertyView|Kolorze kształtu}} warstwy są przekazywane do obiektów wewnątrz warstwy.
* {{PropertyView|Kolor kształtu|Color}}: określa kolor kształtu warstwy.
* {{PropertyView|Przezroczystość|Percent}}: określa przezroczystość warstwy.