Std AnsichtAufnehmen

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Std ViewScreenShot

Werkzeuge → Bildinhalt speichern...
Eingeführt in Version
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Dieser Befehl öffnet einen Dialog zum Speichern des aktuellen Inhalts der 3D-Ansicht in einer Datei. Es kann in verschiedenen Bildformaten gespeichert werden. Zusätzlich lässt sich das Seitenverhältnis, die Auflösung des Screenshots und weitere Parameter durch Drücken des Optionen-Buttons ändern.

Das Bild speichern Dialogfeld nach Drücken der Erweiterten Schaltfläche


  1. Select the Tools → Save picture... option from the menu.
  2. The Save picture dialog box opens.
  3. Optionally press the Extended button to reveal an additional panel in the dialog box. For more information see Options.
  4. Optionally browse to the correct folder.
  5. Enter a filename and select the file type.
  6. Press the Save button to create the image file and close the dialog box.


Bild Abmessungen

  1. Select a standard size from the Standard sizes dropdown list. Or specify the Width and Height for a custom size.
  2. Optionally press an Aspect ratio button to set the width-to-height ratio of the image. If the Width input box has the focus the height of the image will change and vice versa.


  1. Select an option from the Background dropdown list:
    • Current This option uses the background of the 3D view.
    • White
    • Black
    • Transparent Not all image formats support transparency.
  2. Select an option from the Creation method dropdown list:
    • Offscreen (New) This is the default method. This method supports anti-aliasing. Technical information: The most important classes for this method are Qt's QOffscreenSurface and QOpenGLFramebufferObject.
    • Offscreen (Old) This method does not work on many modern Linux systems as it relies on the graphics driver. This method does not support anti-aliasing. Technical information: This is a real off-screen rendering method that only uses functions from the Coin3d library.
    • Framebuffer (custom) This method supports anti-aliasing. Technical information: If anti-aliasing is off, this method reads the image directly from the graphics renderer, else it renders to a framebuffer and gets the image from there. The key part of this method is Qt's QOpenGLFramebufferObject class.
    • Framebuffer (as is) This method uses the same techniques as Framebuffer (custom). It also supports anti-aliasing but has some limitations related to custom sizes and always uses the current background of the 3D view.


  1. Select the Insert MIBA option to add MIBA information to the file. Not all image formats support this.
  2. Or select the Insert comment option and type a comment in the text field to embed a comment in the file. Not all image formats support this.
  3. Check the Add watermark checkbox to add a watermark. The watermark is placed in the lower left corner of the image and consists of the FreeCAD logo and name above the main FreeCAD URL:


  • The number of available image file formats may vary depending on your OS.
  • Some OpenGL drivers don't allow renderings above a certain maximum size.


  • The 3D view background can be changed in the preferences: Edit → Preferences... → Display → Colors → Background color. See Preferences Editor.
  • To change the 3D view anti-aliasing: Edit → Preferences... → Display → 3D view → Rendering → Anti-Aliasing. See Preferences Editor.


Es ist möglich, Bildschirmfotos mit Python Code zu erstellen.


Dieses Skript speichert eine Reihe von Bildschirmfotos in verschiedenen Größen und aus verschiedenen Richtungen. Der Kameratyp, orthografisch oder perspektivisch, wird ebenfalls geändert.

import Part, PartGui
# Loading test part'C:/Documents and Settings/jriegel/My Documents/Projects/FreeCAD/data/Blade.stp')
OutDir = 'C:/temp/'
# Creating images with different Views, Cameras and sizes
for p in ['PerspectiveCamera','OrthographicCamera']:
    for f in ['ViewAxo','ViewFront','ViewTop']:
        for x,y in [[500,500],[1000,3000],[3000,1000],[3000,3000],[8000,8000]]:
            Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.saveImage(OutDir + 'Blade_' + p +'_' + f + '_' + `x` + '_' + `y` + '.jpg',x,y,'White')
            Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.saveImage(OutDir + 'Blade_' + p +'_' + f + '_' + `x` + '_' + `y` + '.png',x,y,'Transparent')

# Close active document