Команда "Добавить текстовый документ"

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 17:06, 16 December 2020 by Baritone (talk | contribs)
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Std TextDocument

Системное название
Std TextDocument
Расположение в меню
Инструменты → Add text document
Быстрые клавиши
Представлено в версии
См. также
Draft ShapeString, Draft Text


The Std TextDocument command creates an object capable of holding arbitrary text. This element can be used to write general information or documentation about the model.


  1. Select the Tools → Add text document option from the menu.
  2. Double-click the newly created object in the tree view to open a tab in which to write text.
  3. Add text.
  4. Close the tab and save the file when asked.




  • ВидFont Name (Font): a font name, for example, Ubuntu Mono.
  • ВидFont Size (Float): a font size in points, for example, 11.
  • ВидRead Only (Bool): it defaults to false. If set to true the text cannot be edited.
  • ВидSyntax Highlighter (Enumeration): it defaults to None. If set to Python, the text will be highlighted like the Python console.


See also: FreeCAD Scripting Basics, and scripted objects.

See Part Feature for the general information on adding objects to a document.

An App::TextDocument object is created with the addObject() method of the document. Once a TextDocument exists, its textual information is stored in its Text attribute. This attribute can be used in other objects, for example, as the string in a Draft ShapeString.

import FreeCAD as App
import Draft

doc = App.newDocument()
obj = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::TextDocument", "Text_document")
obj.Text = "textual information"

obj2 = Draft.makeShapeString(obj.Text, "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf", 10)