
From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 13:14, 17 November 2020 by Kunda1 (talk | contribs) (Added section dedicated to specific workbenches)

This page holds different settings and parameters that you can use to fine-tune your FreeCAD installation or overcome problems.

Option parameters

The FreeCAD Preferences Editor under menu Edit → Preferences is commonly used to set and manipulate the FreeCAD parameters table.

However, it is also possible to access, modify and create parameters manually, using the Parameter Editor found under menu Tools → Edit parameters.

The list below shows parameters that are not accessible via the preferences editor, but that you can set manually (located in BaseApp/Preferences) :

  • Mod/Part/ParametricRefine (boolean) : Set to false so Part RefineShape creates an independent copy rather than a linked one. Default is true if value doesn't exist
  • Mod/PartDesign/SwitchToTask (boolean): Set to false to prevent the PartDesign Workbench from switching to the Task panel when starting. Default is true if value doesn't exist
  • Mod/PartDesign/SwitchToWB (boolean): Set to false to prevent the PartDesign Workbench to be automatically called when a PartDesign Body is activated. Default is true if value doesn't exist
  • Document/SaveThumbnailFix (boolean): Set to true to fix a problem with Qt5 that prevents the generation of .FCStd file thumbnails.
  • View/SavePicture (string): Set to FramebufferObject, PixelBuffer or CoinOffscreenRenderer for different methods to produce images from the 3D view
  • View/NaviStepByTurn (integer) : Defines how many incremental steps (notches) to complete a turn when using the arrows of the NaviCube. If value isn't defined, it defaults to 8, which means each increment rotates of 360/8 = 45 deg.
  • View/NavigationDebug (boolean) : enables debug output of navigation styles (as of v0.19, only Gesture navigation style has something to say).
  • View/GestureRollFwdCommand, View/GestureRollBackCommand (string) : commands to be executed by mouse button roll gestures of Gesture navigation style.
  • View/GestureMoveThreshold (integer) : the distance (px) mouse cursor has to move to enter rotation or pan modes of Gesture navigation style. Default is 5.
  • View/GestureTapHoldTimeout (integer) : sets for how long to wait (in milliseconds) to enter pan mode in Gesture navigation style. It can be helpful to increase it if dragging geometry in sketcher is difficult. Default is 700.
  • Mod/Draft/defaultCameraHeight (int) : Sets the height of the camera when Draft starts in an empty document. 0 disables, FreeCAD default is 5, good when working in millimeters, a good height for arch work is 4500
  • DockWindows/TreeView/Enabled (boolean): Set to true to enable a Tree View dockable widget independent from the Combo View. After changing the parameter value, a FreeCAD restart is needed so the widget is available in the View/Panels list.
  • DockWindows/PropertyView/Enabled (boolean): Set to true to enable a Property View dockable widget independent from the Combo View. After changing the parameter value, a FreeCAD restart is needed so the widget is available in the View/Panels list.
  • DockWindows/DAGView/Enabled (boolean): Set to true to enable a beta DAG view dockable widget. After changing the parameter value, a FreeCAD restart is needed so the widget is available in the View/Panels list.
  • General/ComboBoxWheelEventFilter (boolean) : Set to true so widgets do not catch mouse wheel event and prevent scrollable areas to be scrolled.
  • Document/ChangeViewProviderTouchDocument (boolean) : Set to false so items visibility changes won't mark the document as changed.

Specific Workbenches
