Points Umwandeln

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Revision as of 14:03, 26 August 2020 by Wollhaar (talk | contribs)

Punkte unwandeln

Punkte → Punkte umwandeln...
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The Points Convert command creates point clouds from shape objects or mesh objects.

Here a shape object refers any object with a DatenShape property. Objects created with the Part and PartDesign workbench are shape objects. But so are objects created with the Sketcher and Draft workbench.


  1. Select one or more objects.
  2. Select the Points → Convert to points... option from the menu.
  3. The Distance dialog box opens.
  4. Enter the maximum distance. The value must be in the 0.05 - 10.0 range.
  5. Press the OK button to close the dialog box and finish the command.


Point cloud objects are App GeoFeature objects with the following additional properties. Select the Show all option from the Property editor context menu to display the hidden properties.


Structured points

  • DatenHeight (Integer): the number of unique Y coordinates in the point cloud. This property is only available for point clouds created with the Points Structure command.
  • DatenWidth (Integer): the number of unique X coordinates in the point cloud. This property is only available for point clouds created with the Points Structure command.

Versteckte Daten


  • DatenPoints (PointsKernel): a Points PointsKernel associated with this object.
  • DatenNormal (NormalList): a list of normals. This property is only available for point clouds created with the Points Convert command from mesh objects or shape objects with faces.



  • AnsichtPoint Size (FloatConstraint): die Größe der Punkte in Pixel in der 3D-Ansicht.