FEM Vitesse d'écoulement comme condition limite

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Revision as of 14:21, 30 May 2020 by David69 (talk | contribs)
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FEM Contrainte de vitesse d'écoulement

Emplacement du menu
Model → Fluid constraints → Constraint flow velocity
Raccourci par défaut
Introduit dans la version
Voir aussi
Tutoriel FEM


Applique une condition aux limites de vitesse d'écoulement à une face en 3D ou à une arête en 2D.


  1. Click on or choose ModelFluid Constraints Constraint flow velocity from the top menu
  2. The task panel for constraint flow velocity appears
  3. Select the target Edges or Faces
  4. Click Add
  5. Untick "unspecified" to activate the necessary fields for edition
  6. Fill in the values in mm/s for the main cartesian components


  • Vector components that are ticked as "unspecified" will be interpolated by the selected solver.
    • Any vector that should be the result of the solver must be ticked as "unspecified".
  • If the target face or edge is not aligned with the main cartesian coordinate system, it is possible to tick "normal to boundary".
    • If "normal to boundary" is ticked, the normal vector to the selected edge or face is X and it will be oriented away from the mesh domain.
      • For example, if a flow of 20 mm/s of air must enter the domain, then after ticking "normal to boundary" the user will have to input -20 mm/s in the "velocity X" field.