
From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 08:34, 5 May 2020 by Maker (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Verwendung==")


In FreeCAD wird das Wort "Form" normalerweise verwendet, um sich auf eine Part TopoForm (Part::TopoShape Klasse) zu beziehen , ein Objekttyp, der einem Element seine 3D geometrische und parametrische Darstellung gibt (Würfel, Pyramide, Kugel, Zylinder, Vereinigung usw.).

Im Wesentlichen haben alle Objekte, die in der 3D Ansicht angezeigt werden, eine TopoForm, mit Ausnahme von "Polygonnetze", die eine PolygonnetzObjekt (Mesh::MeshObject Klasse) haben.

Siehe Part TopoForm für weitere Information über diesen Objekttyp.

Links: parametrische Form, definiert durch Eigenschaften. Rechts: Polygonnetz, definiert durch Knoten und Dreiecksflächen.


Shapes are normally created by internal functions of the Part Workbench, and are ultimately defined by the OpenCASCADE Technology kernel (OCCT).

Once a Shape is created, it can be used and modified by all workbenches by creating scripted objects around that Shape.

Essentially, every object derived from a Part Feature (Part::Feature class) is expected to hold and manipulate a Shape.


In informal usage, a "Shape" may be any geometrical figure that is visible in the 3D view, and thus its concept may be confused with that of "Body" or "Part".

However, when more precision is required, the distinction must be made.

  • A "Body" is an object derived from a Part Feature (Part::Feature class), created with the PartDesign Workbench.
  • A "Shape" is an internal object, embedded within the "Body".
  • A "Part" is used to group several "Bodies" to form an assembly. A "Part" has a collection of "Shapes", but doesn't have a "Shape" of its own.